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I love it.
This question is like, "do people need air to survive?" =)
No. I LOVE to have my balls sucked on!!! (I just don't get it enough)
Not until I shave my balls. So, hang on a sec.:-)
yes guys love it from any mate
It is fine for my baseballs but I get a little freaked out when somebody tries to suck on my softballs and you can just forget about a football or basketball.
yes, at least this guy does
it feels like eating my fav ice cream .. I like that white creamy goodness all over my panay nay
nah forget that I love getting my panay nay licked like a a ice cream cone getting licked on a MOnday all that creamy shit erwhere nah m sayin playa play! love my tacos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell yeah or a bj while having balls played wiht.
yes. i know for a fact they do. **kisses**
100% yes!!!! And I like even more if the women is getting turned on by doing it.
ahhhhh yes, yes we do
Yes, I do at least!
ITs got the same inervation as a woman's labia so if they like it we would to. I certainly like it. It isn't as pleasurable as sucking on the cock, but you need a variety of sensations to make sex complete and that is just another sensation to enjoy.
Almost all men do, in my experance. I won't lick or suck unshaved balls, though, so keep everything nice and neat boys!!
Some do. It doesn't do much for me, though.
No, I hate it. It doesn't do anything for me. When a woman does it, I'm like get back to the part that makes me feel good!
I have failed at this since I was 9 or 10 and still try after a few drinks....
Is water wet?
hell yeah, and licked.
Sure but only when they are shaven. I get more pleasure from it that way. I prefer rubbed and smacked over sucked though.
Big Daddy said it right. If she is getting turned on by suckign on my balls. Than I enjoy it. The more slobber the better. I think:Þ
yes... feels fantastic.
Men who are heterosexual and homopgobic don't like their balls sucked on by either bisexual men or gay men but men who are heterosexual and homophobic,do like their balls sucked on by both bisexual women and heterosexual women.
i love gettin my balls sucked iit turns me on as i picture the women to be a man as i am gay and this is a good way to lie Ryan Conaghan Possil xxx
i hope so
yes, as long as they don't start chewing them....
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