It can be very pretty. Sometimes it reminds me of those naughty pin-up girls.
Instantly looks more artistic and classy. Shows up wrinkles more though!
Well, I like it. B&W was the first ot be used for arty shots, so that's why we associate it with arty shots. But I can only think of it in opposition to colour photography. I like both - but colour is harder to do because there are more variables (i.e. the whole spectrum!)
I think it has creative potential in areas that color doesn't. Occasionally I'll shoot off a roll of black and white taking pics of my kids. There is an innocence that comes out differently this way.
I love it. It seems to show the details regarding shapes and shadows more. It's more artistic.
black&white photos capture our soul. I think it's because, without color, we aren't drawn to the makeup and the color of our eyes or our hair or how tan our skin is. Black&white captures the innocence on one's face and the hurt they've gone through to feel vulnerability. The glow we see comes from the inside, brightening our eyes, our skin, our smile.
I love it. For some things though, i find that colour can work better.... sepia is my favourite though
I think that it is distinctive and classic and has timeless beauty.
I grew up with black and white photography and learned a lot about light and shadows from it. I remember my father taking a lovely b/w photo of something in London, and it won an award in the 50s. The same thing applies today. B/w can be evocative and atmospheric.
I think it would be great.....if was in color.
I think black and white photography is simplistic and pure. When you take a picture of something, it's easier to focus on the subject when you aren't distracted by colors everywhere. Black and white also is great for showing excellent lighting and shadows. I still take a lot of black and white film photos, here are a couple I am proud of. :)
Great art for wall decoration.
I think its a lot better used with artistic nudes.
I absolutely love it. It's such a classic look with timeless appeal.
My favorite picture of all times is one by Henri Cartier Bresson. Here it is :) He was the first "street" type of photographer. Before him, photography was used for portraits and more "serious" purposes. 1932 this picture if I'm not mistaking :)
I don't quite know how to answer this question. It all depends on how it's used. If a photograph is B&W just because "it looks cool," it's probably a bad concept to begin with, and any color scale won't help it.
I like it.
I love it - here are a few pictures + 5
It can really change the mood of the photo. I like it, just like how I like color. They both have advantages and disadvantages. I like photography in general, color or not.
I think it's more professional in different ways. I've also know that it can sometimes make pics look better than if they were in color.
I didn't used to like it. We see colors after all. But in the last year or so I have been doing some B&W and I like that I can zero in on what I want to emphasize to a much greater degree.
It needs color.
I like it. You can create dramatic effects with it and even though colored photo's are nice too. Black and White ones have a lot of history with them. Especially old ones. I also like it the fact that you can still purchase black and white film.
Black and white photography is a true art form. I love it.
i love it because you see a photo for how it is.. not based on color. It prevents disractions and focuses on technicalities
I love black and white photography. I'm actually shooting my next short film in black and white, just because I like it so much.
i think black and white photos make the viewer focus on the elements and the thing being photographed instead of just being dazzled by "purdy colours"
It can be very sexy.
It can be very sexy.
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