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Decorate your life
No, do you?
A Spanking! A Spanking! And then, the oral... Ummm, sorry. Wrong movie.
hmmm. Let me think? (thinking)....Yes, i do but not to hard now
Probably, but not going to happen.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Yes please
If my gf spanks me..then Yes!
Nope, I give the spankings around here. That's why I'm mom.
To quote Mad TV: Don't make me break my foot off of yo a$$.
Who, me? I'm innocent. *blushes*
well to be fair. You don't need to be guilty to want a spanking.
Oh what the hell, why not...BUT I'M NOT PAYING EXTRA FOR IT!
I probably do, but I would advise against it.
What's the punishment for a naughty man? Spanking! =)
Um, probably! ;-D
Need? No. Want? Maybe.
If you coat a leather belt in studs and vasoline, then yes
Yes. I've been a bad boy. ;)
Go home dad, you're too old to be asking questions like that.
depends who its gonna be. my mom oh no no. my bf maybe. =]
yes please
yes i need one, a hard one to make me forgive my sins i made, i would like it on my bare bottom
You're not supposed to ask me, you're supposed to tell me! Haven't you done this before?
Yes, please?
Funny you should ask that, the name I normally use on websites is 'Spankable Ginger'
I might...
Hi and the answer is absolutely definitely make a long story short i am a out of control brat and I always must have everything my way or's driving my hubby crazy ....which i think is funny to see him jumping through hoops to please me...i don't mean to be this way but i can't help it ...I know i deserve to be spanked good for it but he won't...i asked him to do it when i behave that way but he said he can't bring himself to hurt me ...but heres the kicker ...he won't mind if someone else would spank me..isn't funny?...If interested to learn more you can email me at and have a great day
I have been a naughty, naughty boy
Can I leave my panties on?
That depends on who the spanker is.
Absolutely.....But I haven't found a man who could
Don't we all?
No, got enough of that from the nuns when I was growing up
Oh yes.. I have been very very bad... I have been wearing womens clothes. I masturbated in a change room. I look at the bra pictures in the Sears catalog and touch myself. I need a very hard spanking on my bare bottom
ohh yes bend me over your knee and spank me good and hard. use all the implements you have! im a very naughty girl
Yes, I've been a bad boy. Use what implements you need and which position you want. But only if you're a girl...
Most of the time... Yes.
I plead the 5th.
sometimes I could use a few swts on my jean butt but nothing too kinky but im too old lol
Depends on who you ask.
NO PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!!! I know I have been flirting a bit too much and I have been really bad! I need one but plese no!!! ;)
why what have i done?
ya i need it bad spending too much got a paddle for debtors like me lol?
Maybe, I think I might like that too much though....
Yes. I've been a bad bad boy.
Easy, you big gorilla yo...
ya i know a good reason why i need one but im too old
When I was a kid I hated to get spanked. Now, I have to pay good money to get one. Funny how times change.
Hell yes. I'm a fowl boy who's been ever so bad. Why, just last week I cheated on a videogame.
I guess, some way some how, everyone at certain point in life likes to be dominated. Specially when you have done something bad; it does not mean that you would not mind to have a spanking even when your good. Is just the heat of the moment. Nothing rough thou, neither. The human been, likes to feel that belongs to someone one that cares for you. I believe everyone once in a while needs a good spanking. is a nice reminder that lets you know that someone is there for you, even if your good or bad.
Hmmm, no, I've been a really good girl. But I'd like one just the same, please.
only if it's a gentle one...haha
yes, i want you to spank me hard!!
All the time ;)
YES, but looks like I am going to have to wait until the next party to get one. Until then, I just dream about the last spanking.
Yes - over and over again until I cum and my bottom is a bright red :)
I can always use a good spanking... or give one...
almost certainly yes
yeah, no worries.... i am sure that Rocket will take care of me fine!!!
I always need a spanking! If you'd like to know why or more about me, let me know. I'm an attractive 33 year-old woman!
yes to stop smoking
Sorry, just passing through.
I do. I think way too many naughty thoughts. I need to be tied up and mercilessly thwacked on the ass.
Yes I do alot the harder the better. Can you help me out?
yes, yes i do.
i am pretty sure i do need one
i hope you teach me a lesson...
yes i should be placed in a spanking machine set for automatic hard for about 15 minutes
yes i definately do.
yes, very much
ohhhhhhhh yes please
Ya from the debt collectors for not paying on time and being mouthy on the phone to them and hard too
Generally no.
depends who is asking. But maybe.
Yes please.
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