• It does feel sad, but there will be always someone who does care for you, even if you don't know that person.
  • It is sad to think that, but it is comforting to know that that is not true. :) -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Feelings aren't FACTS. People do care and help is close by. but You have to WANT it.Nobody can want it for you.
  • Yes that is a sad thought. Even though I do feel that way sometimes I am lucky enough to have family and friends that care about me. I hope everyone does! By the way, I care about you CG!! ; - }
  • Yes, but I've found that that kind of mindset is very often self-perpetuating and self-validating. Once you get into the mindset of feeling cut off and isolated from, (and therefor at least a little mistrustful of) the "Uncaring" world around you, it becomes very difficult for *Any* amount of compassion to convince you otherwise. The fact of the matter is, usually, at least one person *Does* care. It's just that it's not very often (If ever) that you come across someone who cares selflessly and absolutely, which is, in my experience, what it would take to change the mind of someone who continually dwells on the idea that "No one Cares". I'm no authority on the matter, but in my experience a big part of this is because when you've felt the pain of betrayal or perceived betrayal by someone who you trusted and thought of as having that "Absolute" (Or sometimes just *Any*) level of caring and compassion for you, that absolute tends to become your new standard for even trusting someone to care at all. It can be difficult, when one is in pain and needs someone to care about them, not to become so fixated on any human warmth you do feel that all you can think of is the *Absence* of it, which causes the contrast between caring and complete abandonment to become a very stark one, with all the negative aspects of the people and world around you standing out like harsh, punishing blacks, while the "Whites" and "Greys" fade back into relative obscurity in your mind. It's not a good rut to get stuck in.
  • If I believed that, yes, I would be very, very sad. But I don't believe that to be true. If we didn't care about anything we would all cease to take care of ourselves and die of starvation. With the noteable exceptions, parents care deeply about their children, homeowners care about their roofs, workers care about their paychecks and ABers care about finding the questions they can answer. Even meth addicts care about finding their next fix. The ones who don't care, don't make the effort to stay alive.
  • No. There's at least one person for everyone who cares. We all care about someone, and someone cares about each of us.
  • No, as I don't think that. I do think that it is sad that there are people who believe no one cares.
  • nope! actually, I don't care! :D
  • it makes me sadder that there are people out there who do care, but don't/won't/cant show it.
  • What makes me sad is that you think there is no one out there who cares. :(
  • Many people care. Not all, but I believe many of us still do. =)
  • A little....but you kind of get used to it.
  • It is sad if people do not care but I think the majority do ,it is just apathy that makes it seem otherwise.
  • No, because I know there is "Someone" who does,...more than I can comprehend. And there are many loved ones around me who do also, as I do for them. And it is not always because of my "lovability". I have been most "unlovable" at times. But, they worked at it... because they take their cue from the other Someone.
  • Cutter Girl, I know how you feel. Besides my immediate family, I all to often feel that no one really cares for me and that is really painful. It burns in the pit of your stomach to know that the only people who love and care about you are the ones who *have* to because they're blood related. I don't know what words of comfort to offer you right now. Just know that you aren't the only one who feels that same way. I hope you feel better.
  • I'm not in that position, but it would if it were the case.
  • sometimes.
  • It certainly would if I ever felt like that. I feel sad for anybody who experiences those feelings.
  • yea quite often
  • I think everyone has something that makes them special. I know what it is like to feel like everyone does not care about you. I am sure there is someone out there that cares about you. There have been many responses from people to this question that obviously do care. Maybe you should reach out to someone and just have a good talk.
  • Cutter I've been there myself a few times. It is however at those times that I remember this. I apologize if you don't believe and what I am about to say offends you. Here goes. When I feel like no one is there who cares I remember there is one who is always there and walways cares no matter what. He loves and cares for us so much as a matter of fact that he sent his son to die for us. Of course I am talking about God. He love you cutter and will always be there for you. You just need to ask for his help and he will gladly give it to you.
  • Sometimes (rarely) I think that, but you know what? I care.
  • Paranoia clouds a persons judgement about everything and I should know. I try not to believe what I feel only what people tell me and they tell me they care and so have some of the people here.
  • Someone out there does care! :O)
  • It would if it were true. Sometimes I feel that way and get sad. It doesn't last long. There are many who care ... but it only takes one.
  • sometimes but sadder wen ppl care but do nothing
  • yes i always think that:( its true though.
  • no I get off on that shit score 1 for depression
  • ppl dont always care depends on your situation and often you have to make them care truth sucks
  • well, of course it does feel sad to think that. but a sader thought would be, that there are people who care about you, but what if the people you want to care about you, don't? I often feel this way, but I know for a fact that it's not true, its just my emotions, but I think of like the unpopular kids in highschool crushing on a team captain or somethign, in which case it may be true. anyways, I like to think of the qoute "Whether you beleive it or not, just remember that everyone night, someone, somewhere thought of you before going to sleep" While this may be an over statement, it made me feel quite happy the first time I read it.

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