The only blueberries i eat is when it's a BLUEBERRY MUFFIN. They're umm....I have no idea about the actual BECOMING of a blueberry Are they grown like cranberries where they fill up the area with water so they can rise?
No, they grow on bushes.
Yes I eat Blueberries, infact I eat all berries. They are the only fruits that are native to America.
i dont eat them because they are too expensive. i dont know a lot about them: they are berries, and blue.
I only eat them in cereal or muffins, their not my favorite berry, their loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatories but so are other berries like cranberries and raspberries
if I can get hold of them, I eat them. Once, a lady at a church we served at brought in a whole lot of frozen ones that had been declared unusable (too much ice in them) for canning, and the company was going to throw them out. We ladies all took bags of them home and made all sorts of muffins, cakes, not to mention eating them frozen. I must admit I know nothing about them. I think they come from America. But I do know the most important thing about them: they are delicious. BTW Motoarena...great to see you, my friend. You have been missed.
I am not sure... Nothing. Without google I am lost here. I suppose they are blue. There is a hill with their name.
Their my second favorite muffin!
I live in an area of New Jersey where cultivated blueberies were develoiped in 1911 by Elizabeth White of Whitesbog in 'The Pines' or 'Thje Pine Barrens'. She paid the locals to pick the largest wild blueberries they could find and then developed plants that produced large berries. Blueberries like acid, sandy soil. That's one of the reasons they grow so wel;l in this locality. Elizabeth White produced the 'high bush' blueberry plant. They used to be hand picked, but modern machines have been developed that grab the bush and shake it. A lot of blueberry fields are near cranberry bogs. When the price of cranberries went up, many local farmers dug up blueberry fields to create cranberry bogs. Hammontown, New Jersey produces more blueberries than any area of the USA. Greetings from the New Jersey Pines.
Yes. I love berries and every other kind of fruit. All I know is they're good for you and yummy too...:)
I love blueberries. I just got back from picking some (about 8 quarts today). I am planning on transplanting some this fall. Blueberries are generally quite easy to transplant. They tend to have a fibrous, compact root system. Established plants need to have soil attached to the roots, so do not dig them bare-root. Add lots of organic humus, such as processed manure (the bagged stuff) and compost/peat moss with your existing soil. The best time to transplant them is during the winter dormant season months of November, December, January, February up to about mid-March. A simple way to propagate blueberry bushes is to mound layer a few of the new basal shoots. Next spring, cut out one or two old canes from the mother blueberry plant, which will stimulate the bush to send up some new shoots. As the shoots grow, mound soil over them so only one inch of each shoot is above ground. Continue mounding it up as the shoot grows until the soil is six to eight inches high. In September, gently remove the soil from the shoots by rinsing the mound with water, taking care not to damage any of the new roots that have sprouted along the covered stem. Cut off a new shoot below where the roots have formed and plant the new blueberry bush in its permanent location. Generous use of mulches like sawdust or peat moss will help control weeds, conserve moisture, and keep roots cool. Increased organic matter from decomposing mulch will help improve soil structure and nutrient uptake of blueberry bush. Replenish mulch as needed to keep the mulch depth at 2 to 4 inches. Blueberry bushes have very shallow root systems and are very sensitive to water fluctuations. They need at least 1 to 2 inches of water per week. In dry seasons, supplemental watering is essential to obtain good yields of high quality products. However, do not apply water after early September unless soil is very dry.
yes. they're good for memory.
Yes. I am quite fond of the blueberry. They are highly nutritious and have plenty of anti-oxidants, which may help prevent certain kinds of cancer. The silver film on them is called "bloom" and is a sign that the berry is healthy. You, my friend, taught me this. ♥
I love blueberries and am surrounded by low ground berries and high bush berries. They are one of the healthiest fruits if not foods you can eat. It's a great food for the aging body, full of anti-oxidants more than other fruits or veggies. They are terrific for the digestion and urinary tract, as they keep any bacteria from attaching to the bladder. They protect the eyes from macular degeneration and are better for the eyes than carrots. Good for the skin, the heart, cholesterol, brain and even helps prevent colon cancer. That's all I remember. They are one great fruit!
They are a negative calorie food loaded with anti-oxidants, and they're delicious when frozen or blended in a smoothie.
All I know is that they are poorly named berries.
no i dont they're blue and gross lol and their ice cream is even worse
Yes, I love organic blueberries and they're one of my favorite summer snacks. They're high in anti-oxidants, fiber, and complex carbs. They're dark blue on the outside but they're kind of greenish white on the inside. One of the places where I've eaten wild blueberries is on Grouse Mountain, just north of Vancouver, BC where I've seen them as large as golf balls (about 3 cm [1 1/4"] in diameter). The organic blueberries here cost $10.64/pound and I just ate 6 oz. of them. :p
I don't eat them fresh very often. I have had dried ones in cereal or as flavoring for certain candies or drinks. They are high in Vitamin C and good for eyesight. They grow on bushes and should be grown in weather which goes below freezing. They are naturally bittersweet and more purple than blue. In England they are not called blueberries.
Blueberries and pancakes. Blueberries are great for the brain.
yes, and they are the healthiest fruit
Almost every day. They are delicious. They're full of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins.
They have the highest or one of the highest amounts of anti-oxidants of any fruit.
They have the highest or one of the highest amounts of anti-oxidants of any fruit.
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