Call the police o or Get my shotgun and Well you know the rest.
Go completely insane... Scream, throw stuff at the window, call the police, snatch up one of my knives... you know, the whole PANIC scene... Run upstairs to see my dad aiming the pellet gun...
I think i would scream so loud and get really scared considering my bedroom is on the second floor i would wonder how someone got there and what is trying to do.
Dial 911 ...and be paranoid for the rest of my life!
Wonder why he would get on a ladder to look through a second story window when there's 2 tenants below..
Pretend I hadn't noticed, go outside, sneak around back, then drop them like a rock.
Go out and kick his butt, because it would probably be my husband. Lol that jerk does it all the time...waits until like 11 or 12 at night when I'm reading in bed, then comes and POUNDS on the window. Then he usually moons me...haha. If it wasn't my hubby though...I'd probably flip out, I don't even know what I'd do. I hope I'd have the presence of mind to get all the doors and windows locked and call the cops before I fainted!
I would pretend that I did not see them, casually leave the room like I was going to do something like get a drink of water, go out the back door, and try to be fast enough to sneak up from behind them and scare the whoopdedo out of them. Then I would grab them and hold them for the police. While I was waiting, I would be asking them why in the world they would be looking in the window at a 52 year old fat man.
I would pretend that I did not see them, casually leave the room like I was going to do something like get a drink of water, go out the back door, and try to be fast enough to sneak up from behind them and scare the whoopdedo out of them. Then I would grab them and hold them for the police. While I was waiting, I would be asking them why in the world they would be looking in the window at a 52 year old fat man. I would advise most people just to leave the room and call the police.
I'd go find some clothespins and attach to my nipples, fasten a sheet as a cape and run outside and introduce myself as............Clothespin man.
Sit down in front of the window and stare back at them.
It would probably really freak me out and I would probably run away from the window... I would go get my gun and shoot... No just kidding... I don't even have a gun... Umm.. I would probably just call the police... Get my roommate... and yeah... I don't know exactly... because it all depends on the moment...
Freak the F*ck out! I live on the 4th floor of an apartment building. If someone is at my bedroom window, they're seriously trying to get in! I would call the cops as I was pushing the ladder off the window so the mofo fell...
Cry and call 911.
Close the Blinds.
First of all if someone wanted to look into my bedroom they would be very disapointed at the sight lmao Secondly they would need an extension ladder since my bedroom is on the second floor of my house. This would probably call attention to my neighbor who would promptly call the cops then come out shooting since he's a Philadelphia Police Officer.
Let the dogs out!
Wonder how they got on top of the deck overhang to look into my window. And then ask them 'May I help you?'.
"You can watch if you want."
Give an insane smile while getting my butcher knife.
I would pity the fool.
go to the second floor and drop a bowling ball on his head.
First of all, I'd wonder why the blinds were open. Second of all, I'd wonder how (s)he got up there...there's no balcony outside, and it's on the second floor.
I'd push him off the roof of the porch.
Give 'em a show they'll never forget.
I would close the windows or maybe I´d do something else, depends on the situation.
Take a picture of them.
Wave first, then................. Give them the Miranda Warning as i tighten the handcuffs on this slob.
Freak out!
I'd probably just stare back for a while and smile!
Don't know, but they would have to be pretty bored to be watching my big ole bo-hunkus.
Shoot them
I'd go into shock... we live on the 7th floor.
Linda Joy
Look back at him over the sights of a double barrel.
It would take some effort on their part as they would need a ladder but I would jump our of my skin and call the police when I landed.
Grab the shotgun from the other room and give chase.
That was one of my allegations against the residents who antagonised me, which was not believed by police. I remember when it happened too. Of course I was scared - not sure what that person would do. He happened to have something in his hand that gavea definite `clicking' sound. Someone was there alright, only the authorities thought I was pretending. How offensive for them to think I would ever dream that up!!!
Report it. I have had entries in my garden where someone was obviously looking in. Again, for those ho clearly disbelive me, get stuffed out of my life
Tell Frankster, the front door is unlocked, LOL.
Turn on all the lights and call someone/911. Get a dog.
Shoot them, and it has happened....
Grab a gun then go outside and show him how it works.
I grab my bat and call police 911.
dial 911
They can't. My bedroom blinds are always closed. Besides that I have a dresser at the foot of my bed that blocks anyone's view. But I liked Jade's answer! Taking a picture of them would help with prosecution so they can be stopped from doing that to others and get them the mental health treatment they need.
the dogs would be barking and biting before that could happen.
It depends on if she was good looking enough.
Frankly, I will tell that pervert: "I'm sexy and I know it." 😎
they cant do that, bedroom is way too high up..but if they had a ladder theyd not see in as i have curtains ,but id call the cops anyways
call 9 1 1
Lean out & push them off their ladder...
I'd call 911 if I saw a stranger looking in my bedroom window.
Being a Conservative, I would probably fire a warning shot. If I was a Liberal, I'd be wetting my panties and hiding under my bed.
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