Cool weather, pumpkin festivals, beautiful leaves, the smell, (wonderful!), and, of course, Halloween! :)
For some reason I immediately thought of The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy. Go figure.
Haloween or Oktoberfest even if that's the last weekend in September here.
I try not to listen. Next comes November and snow. I hate driving in snow:(
The World Series, my dad's birthday, autumn, the Balloon Fiesta, roasting green chiles.
OMG! I love October! I love Fall, and pumpkins, and football, and Halloween, and everything about it. I'm jealous of everyone who was born in October.
Baseball post-season & World Series, Halloween, Fall foliage and 2 birthdays in my family :)
the Bali bombings of 2002
Hunt for Red
Another birthday, Pumpkinfest, leaves, getting ready for winter, Oktoberfest, Samhain....
Pretty much my favorite two words in the world: "Happy Halloween!"
Colorful fall leaves, apples, pumpkins, fall veggies, great smelling air, sweaters, buttoning up the house for winter, wood stove fires:-)
A Really Big Party.
baseball playoffs.
my birthday! on the 13th!
Fall, Halloween, The State Fair, Oktoberfest
Birthdays of my kids and definitely Halloween. Also crunchy leaves and football. Cool weather, too.
performance reviews Shoot! where has the year gone?
Amazingly blue skies, football, Halloween, APPLES!!, my husband's birthday, and the First Monday of October (Supreme Court reconvenes!)
My B-day on the 31st!Scorpio!!! and Halloween!
My son's birthday on the 5th. my sweethearts birthday and what would have been our first wedding anniversary on the 14th and Baseball Playoffs and world series. This is the Yankees Year baby.They're taking at least the Pennant and maybe the world series as well depending on who they will face.
My husband's and my dad's birthdays !!!!!
The World Series, maybe even Reggie Jackson being "Mr. October."
My oldest daughter has a birthday on the 13th. :)
I check for the dates : 1st and 12th of October. The first is my mother's birthday and the 12th is my son's birthday. We make it a point to be at home.
"The hunt for Red..." Which is a great movie, and an even greater book. Alternately, fall leaves, crisp air and time outdoors.
crunchy leaves and dew on the spiders webs shining like diamonds
Halloween...Good movie by the way Rob Zombie sure made me feel sorry for Mike as a kid.
Brilliant yellow, orange and red leaves Crunching brown leaves underfoot Beautiful days, cool nights, good sleep Walks in the woods with no bugs Geese gathering in cut wheat fields One of the most wonderful parts of the year. Now if you'd asked be about February, that would be a completely different story.
Fall and all the leaves falling -- Look at these pictures + 5
The Red Sox in the World Series
October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with a length of 31 days. In the northern hemisphere, October is commonly associated with the season of autumn. October begins in western tropical astrology with the sun in the sign of Libra and ends in the sign of Scorpio. Astronomically speaking, the sun actually begins in the constellation of Virgo and ends in the constellation of Libra.
I think of my son who has a birthday in October.
My ex sister-in-law, when she said October it had a P in it. Optober, it was cute.
My youngest daughter's birthday
Brown leaves falling off the trees, piles of leaves on the pavement and my birthday!!
Halloween. Something else that comes to mind is the Bavarian beer festival 'Oktoberfest' (and I'm not even German).
Red and gold flamin' leaves.
OCTober should be the 8th month of the year, not the 10th.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Fun fact, it used to be. There were ten months instead of twelve. Then Caesar demanded they add two more months to honour him. So they added those to the end of the year, so as to not mess up the names of the months. But then the church moved new year closer to Christmas/Solstice (used to be Equinox) and messed everything up.
Halloween. The number 8, as it used to be the eighth month of the year in the old calendar system. Octoberfest - Festival (held in Germany?) The film, 'Hunt for Red October.' My nephew. (His birthday is in October.) :-)
Damp leaves all over the treees going bare. The occasional Indian Summer. but mainly the beginning of winter.
"I better get cracking on birthday presents." My son's birthday is Halloween, and his wife and kids' birthdays, except the youngest, are all in November.
Halloween!!! And orange/red/yellow leaves
Autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere is what I think nowadays. Since I use Wikipedia, I think much more in the worldwide view which is used at Wikipedia.
hay apples pumpkins mums scarecrows cider sweaters crispy leaves in the wind
It would be Oktoberfest fare in my country. Oktober is October in the Malay language.
My Birth Day will be coming soon.
What OCTOpus
What OCTOpus
The 10th month...
What OCTOpus
What OCTOpus
October Sky & Rocket boys +5
Fright Fest.
The new new holiday, Octobertyfirst, where some random state decides that some random day should be a holiday for some random thing and Congress decides to make it a national holiday.
I think you are overdoing the "random" bit. -
Yes, I definitely overdid that. But still...consider: July 8 1783, slavery is declared unconstitutional - under the state constitution - in the state of Massachusetts by the state supreme court. So slavery was outlawed in Mass. even before the US Constitution was ratified. That date is relevant to the outlawing of slavery only in MA, not in TX and not in the U.S. as a whole. Why isn't July 8 a national holiday? Why is Juneteenth? Why TX and not MA? >> RANDOM
My birthday (October 2nd) and my wedding anniversary (October 19th).
18/10/2023: Halloween
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