Aside from the period? Absolutely nothing! I love being a woman other than my period!
Just the pains of bearing children but the rewards are worst the pain.
having to put up with men hehehe
nothin i personaly feel nothing even periods r managable
i just LOVE being a women......
Being paid less than a man for the same work. Having a mechanic tell me that the noise in my car will cost $500 to repair and telling my brother that the same car, same noise can be fixed with pliers and a $4 part. Having my socks cost $10 a pair and mens cost $2 a pair. Otherwise, I like being female.
Not being able to wear a shirt that buttons up the front without it gaping open between 2 buttons.
Nothing. I love being a woman :D It rocks and I can't even imagine myself leading the life of a man.
When our Friend visits us every month
We have to deal with men?
being physically weaker than men
Don't be ridiculous,you were created for perfect men.LOL
They waste a lot of money for makeup kits. LOL
Hey mk, women are not weak!! I would say the worst thing about being a woman is the physical aspect, you have expectations to look good a lot of the time.
I don't think there is anything about a woman to be sorry about. Physical strength is less for many things but I know from experience that I can get an enormous amount of things done with leverage and finesse. We have our own kind of strengths and women are renown for their endurance. Having our 'monthly friend' needn't be such an annoying things for most women. I guess it might be the expectations, because we are the ones who give birth, that children are seen to be 'our responsibility' more than for men, which isn't correct but it does happen.
Pour bad habit of letting men run our lives or say how we should look.
I bet they'll say men or the pressure society places on appearance.
Women are nurturers for the most part. The hardest thing for me is my inability to protect my loved ones from all the "bad stuff" out in the son, my family, my hurts a lot when someone you love goes through hard times and there isn't a darn thing you can do about it! :(
Being a woman is great. The only drawback is the monthly cycle, but, hey, it pays off when you have the baby.
Being underestimated by anyone who assumes that females aren't as capable as men.
you always have to look pretty.
The monthly cycle...and after that, menopause.
Having men talk over me at work, whether in grammar debates, content meetings, layout-- if there is a man, he is dominating the conversation, whether he has a damn clue what he's talking about or not.
It must be that terrible lack of logic. They even confuse themselves...
Getting emotional at that time of the month, it can be hard to control!
I was going to say Teh monthly visitor.....But really ladies My 1st answer can be summed up by all the stupid comments by the men!
Society wants me to be a man, or it feels like it anyway, and I don't want to be a man. Feminism has been very unfair to girls like me. Now the future I want isn't even appreciated anymore.
getting labour pain
Not having men's strength Periods Labor Not being able to stand up and pee
Mr PantsFellDown
Oops sorry, spilled a chocolate shake with Tabasco sauce and motor oil all over your coat. Oh well. Tough.
for me its never finding the right color shoes' or the right size ! an the thongs are always in my butt !roflmmfao'
PMS, and what comes after...
Being the woman people expect you to be in a high flying work environment and also being true to your femininity. I'm softly spoken and people won't respect you unless you speak loud and with authority, for instance.
That is a very general question for an entire half of the species, each of whom have their own problems. As for myself, I hate being fertile. This is because I have no "baby desire". I also hate being a woman with Asperger's Syndrome--a disorder that is harder to us, just because it is a very "masculine" disorder. I also hate having small bones (our bones are more delicate) and I often have aches. Women tend to have more chronic pain than do men, especially those of us who are in the poor class. I also hate, hate, HATE that men will always be paid more. That knowledge alone has made me into a misandrist. And I think that the only way I'm going to get money is if I marry a rich man. And so I hate that I will be monetarily worth less than a man. I also hate having big boobs that make me look dumpy.
Their biological inferiority.
The annual GYN exam.
Misogynists and psycho feminists. They give everyone a bad name, eh?
Babies. I don't want them, yet people expect you to have them.
high heels
yeah...I would say the only thing i really hate is the period..but that isn't too too bad (plus there are ways to stop a period). i love being a woman!!!!This question should say, waht do you LOVE about being a woman!WHOOOO!!!
Nothing at all i love being a women, i have two children and childbirth is something that distinguishes us from men. We are awesome!!!!!
Pregnancy Can't stand up and pee Can't always get an orgasm Can't lift a table over their head
having to wear a bra
i actually don't hate having my period to be honest with you. i don't know why people complian so much. but what i hate about being a woman? basically everything. we're treated unfairly, people think we're weak, people think we're stupid, ect. i wish i was a guy. i sometimes wonder why God made me a girl.
When men think that because your a women you can get anything you want.
The fact that I am expected to be the weaker sex and have to depend on a man for what I want.
being physically and emotionally weaker than men.. xx
We are the ones that have the babies, let MEN have the babies!!!
If i was a woman i'd hate having to carry men's toys for them.
My little sister who's new to becoming a woman constantly complains about her boobs being too big. She can't find decent tops for girls her age, and her back always aches!
stereotypes, plain and simple
Menopause isn't so hot either.
Yes stereotypes, plus how we love the mention of a man's money. Gag me with a large wooden spoon.
having to look at their very best every second of their life;) lol but it's fun dressing up and stuff:)
on thing i hate is that every where i go all i hear is that guys are better. i hate that.
My clothes and haircuts being more expensive than men's, and a lack of comparable physical strength. In America, the double standard of being feminine, yet not being paid as much as men for the same work.
Living in the shadow of our superior men folk.
nothing that i know of
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