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Start taking Golden Seal. It will clean out your system and you could do very well on a urine test. If you have to give a hair sample, you'll need something else.
I think Mary Jane washes out after three days.
Go to a drug store and buy a home drug test for marijuana. This will help you develop a plan and go from there.
Do not take golden seal that is commonly tested for. You have nothing to worry about it is probably already gone. for peice of mind go to walgreens and buy one.
Dude, go get a jello tin pack and take it then just drink a glasses of water or a close amount.
for a casual smoker, marijuana stays in your system for 3-7(or 3-10, depending on who you ask) days. If you smoke constantly, it stays for 30-90 days. If you've only smoked one in two years, it should be out of your system within 10 days.
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