Buy online is a lot easier. Esp. over the world.
Credit cards offer convenience and security. With a credit card, you don't have to carry a lot of cash or leave home to shop! If you lose your wallet and it contains cash, you most likely will never see your money again. Not so with a credit card. If you lose a credit card, you can report the card missing. Depending on your timing, you can eliminate your obligation to pay for fraudulent purchases. They do have their downfalls too, so you should use them wisely. Some people see credit cards as a way to buy things when they don't have enough cash. A credit card's ease of use tempts them to make purchases they can't afford. The monthly bill arrives with a reality check for many cardholders. That can really get you in trouble and screw up your credit.
I use my credit card for convenience, cash-back rewards, a "float" on my money of at least a month and up to two months (I can charge at the start of my cycle, it's 30 days until my cycle ends, then I have a grace period of 25 days.), safety against theft (I have zero liability, though the federal law in the US maxes out liability at $50 for personal cards), extended warranty protection on electronics and rental car insurance, not having to deal with holds on my actual funds (debit cards would do this... cash customers would require a deposit), ease of returns and ability to chargeback if I'm not satisfied with my purchase, to streamline my finances (I only have to worry about taking money out of my savings account once per month to pay my bill), and to help build my FICO score in hopes that I'll get good terms on a mortgage in the future. Some people use credit cards to live beyond their means or to fill the financial gaps (such as when in college), others in lieu of an emergency ("go to hell") fund, others will use cards for many of the same reason I do. I pay my bill in full and on time every month. I'm in control of my credit card and not the other way around.
We use one card for everything and pay it off every month. Love those cash back rewards!
Moving Violation
Excellent March 18 2022
This is the capitalists game and I called it shopping addiction.
Instant gratification...they want what they can't afford, and too spoiled to wait til they can afford it. Lack of self-control today equals bigtime debt later.
*1* Convenience. Don't need to carry cash. Don't need to visit any bank or automated teller. Just carry a single piece of plastic in your wallet. *2* For some, so that they can purchase items that are more expensive than they can afford. *3* Financial safety. If a person's credit card is lost or stolen, it usually does the credit card holder no financial harm, even if the card is fraudulently used by a thief. *4* Improves credit rating, especially if you use the card and pay it off in full every month on time. *5* In many instances a credit card is a requirement. For example: hotel reservations, renting a car, tool rental, etc.
Moving Violation
Excellent~I like the 5% discover gives you back then I use the 5% and get everything free on the desert!(Amazon). March 18 2022
its a fools game.,.i dont ..if i dont have money i go with out it til we save for it..i like to shop in a shop ,not on a computer ..also many use em cause they live of borrowed money all the time
Who wants to carry cash?
They are safer than cash.
it's easy
casue they have no money and they get more into debt
more convenient than cash and many offer 1% or 2% rebates.
It is part of today’s world of technology to use card in most places around the world although some services accept money when the customer accesses the service in person. Card is the only option when buying a product over the internet. The disadvantage of using card in public places is the tap option if the card is stolen. A thief can easily use someone else’s card using the tap option. I don’t agree with the tap option if the card is stolen although it can be blocked. Cards should be pin protected only.
I use a credit card because I feel its safer than carrying cash. No one wants to steal a credit card with your ID.
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