you can't so don't stress and your doc is right ...its the male g-spot
Your doctor is making a little joke there! But don't let it bother you. That exam give virtually all guys a erection to just try to take it in stride.
Why are you worried about getting an erection. Erections are normal. However, I disagree that most men get erections during this exam. I have never got an erection during a prostate exam or a testicle exam. I have a female doctor..I wouldn't really mind if I did get one.
maybe you fancy your doctor? Either that or its because your nervous. this activates the autonomic nervous system, of which an erection can occur with little prompting. Its probably because your worried this will happen and cause theres action near mr tinky winky he prepares for battle. Just try relax and not to worry about it. the more you think about it or worry about it the greater chance of happening
The first time I had a prostate exam was for a job application physical. This cute Middle Eastern doctor told me "this might be a little uncomfortable." It was all I could do to keep from yelling out, "Now try two fingers." But I was indeed used to butt play.
My doctor is also female and every time she examines my testicles and prostrate I get an erection. She is very professional and never comments on my erection. The process is sexually arousing to me and after the physical examination I usually go into the restroom and masturbate to ejaculation to release the sexual tension. You just need to relax and allow your body to respond naturally. If you do not get an erection, fine. But if you do, that is normal and you should not be concerned. And if you become sexually aroused, which is also normal under these circumstances, you can masturbate in the bathroom afterwards. Most of all, you should not feel embarrassed because your penis becomes erect. After all, a woman touched your testicles -- Most men would get hard from that.
I got an erection at my doctors office once(last year) I was 36 at the time!!! I make sure I cum right before I go now!!
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