Yes. One thing is certain for everyone - death and taxes.
"One thing is certain for everyone..." [LOL]
Yes they believe in paying Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser. They live their lives according to the Bible's laws and principles.
I am not understanding the question fully. Jehovah's Witnesses do pay taxes on an individual basis. I can assure you that if they didn't they would end up facing the same consequences as anyone who refuses to pay income, property or whatever taxes are due the government. If you are asking if Jehovah's Witnesses have to pay taxes on their meeting places called Kindgom Halls, the answer is: They fall under the same tax exemption as do other religious and charitable organizations and they are not subject to certain taxes. This is true for the United States. I cannot comment on other countries. 501(c)(3) exemptions apply to corporations, and any community chest, fund, or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, or educational purposes, or to foster national or international amateur sports competition, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.
Jehovah's Witnesses in the majority of countries have legal status or are recognized as to having basic rights afforded them similar to those of mainstream religions. In many areas, government officials have praised their work in the fields of linguistic education along with disaster management relief in instances of national or international crisis. However, the Witnesses face legal or governmental opposition in many other countries and whilst many authorities do not require Taxes from them as a religous organisation, SOME countries still do. On an idividual basis worldwide however, Jehovah's Witnesess work for a living and pay their taxes.
If they don't then sign me up. Seems to me if it was that easy to get out of taxes there would be alot of witnesses.
Yes we do, and here is why. LET’S take out some money and look at it. What do you see on the money?— Who made this money?— The government did. For thousands of years governments have made the money that people use. When the Great Teacher was on earth, the Roman government made money. And do you know who the ruler of that government was?— He was called Caesar. Many people do not like to pay taxes. When Jesus was on earth, some of the Jews did not want to pay any taxes to the Roman government. They hated such taxes. So, one day some men came to the Great Teacher and asked him: ‘Do we have to pay taxes to Caesar or not?’ Now, the men asked this question to trick Jesus. For if Jesus answered, ‘Yes, you must pay taxes,’ many of the Jews would not like what Jesus said. But Jesus could not say, ‘No, you don’t need to pay taxes.’ It would be wrong to say that. So this is what Jesus did. He said to those men: ‘Show me a coin.’ When they brought him a coin, Jesus asked them: ‘Whose picture and name are on it?’ The men said: “Caesar’s.” So Jesus said: “By all means, then, pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.”—Luke 20:19-26. Wasn’t that a fine answer?— No one could find anything wrong with that. If Caesar does things for people, it is only right to use the money that Caesar made to pay him for these things. So in this way Jesus showed that it is right to pay taxes to the government for the things we receive. It is God who tells us this. His Word says: ‘Be obedient to the superior authorities.’ And who are the ‘superior authorities’?— The men who have power in the government. So we really should obey the law. God says so.—Romans 13:1, 2. Consider an example. There may be a law not to throw paper or other litter on the street. Should you obey that law?— Yes, God wants you to obey it. Should we be obedient to policemen too?— The government pays policemen to protect people. Obeying them is the same as obeying the government. So if you are about to cross a street and a policeman says, “Wait!” what should you do?— What if others run across anyway, should you?— Even if you are the only one who waits, you should. God tells us to obey. There may be trouble in the neighborhood and a policeman may say, “Stay off the streets. Don’t go outside.” But you may hear shouting and wonder what’s going on. Should you go outside to see?— Would this be obeying the ‘superior authorities’?— The government in many places also builds schools. And it pays the teachers. When the children do what the teacher says, it makes for peace in the classroom. So do you think God wants you to obey the teacher?— There is no scripture in the Bible that says, “Obey your teacher.” But the Bible shows that you should obey. The government pays the teacher to teach, just as it pays a policeman to protect people. So being obedient to either a policeman or a teacher is like obeying the government. Or we can look at it this way. God tells children to ‘obey their father and mother.’ But your father and mother have sent you to school for the teacher to look after you. So it is right to obey your teacher, just as you obey your parents at home.—Ephesians 6:1. I am not always with you. So I may not see whether you obey the teacher. But God sees. And it is God whom we really want to please, isn’t it?— Also, I may not see if you obey the policeman. But who does see?— God does. Always remember that. Remember, too, that God comes first in our lives. We obey the government because that is what God wants us to do. But what if they tell us to do what God says we should not do?— If anyone tells us, “You don’t have to obey God,” does God want us to listen to that?— That happened to the apostles of Jesus. Now what would the apostles do? What would you have done?— They answered: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29. (Respect for the law is taught in the Bible. Read what is written at Titus 3:1, Matthew 5:41 and 1 Peter 2:12-14.) For more information on this subject please visit jworg
Jehovah’s Witnesses are known throughout the world as impeccably law-abiding people and particularly for their scrupulous attitude toward paying taxes. The tax inspection office regularly checks on them and is amazed each time to find no violations whatsoever. Of course, Jehovah’s Witnesses could, like many others, try to find a reason not to pay taxes, but the Bible says that one must be honest in paying taxes, and for Jehovah’s Witnesses this is the last word.
EVERYone pays taxes. Some ORGANIZATIONS don't pay taxes, for various reasons in various countries. In the U.S., for example, any registered non-profit corporation does not pay corporate taxes. Any registered religious non-profit organization also does not have to pay most local taxes. In this regard, the Jehovah's Witness organization, like nearly all other churches and mosques and synagogues and temples in the U.S., does not have to pay taxes. But of course individual Jehovah's Witnesses have to pay taxes...just as do individual Catholics, individual Baptists, individual Muslims, individual Jews, individual Buddhists, etc.
Although every member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's witnesses who is baptized is legally considered a minister Jehovah's witnesses believe what the Bible says render unto Caesar those things that belong to Caesar but render unto God those things that are gods. So Jehovah's witnesses pay income tax they pay state tax and they pay local tax even though they could ask for a tax exemption and not pay tax at all.
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