I love Jimmy Choo's. I also have some shoes by Aldo, and Chinese Laundry.
manolo blahnik... can't go wrong.
- K. MARTIN A Brother. You wouldn't know 'nuthin 'bout him.
Can't survive without my K-Swiss :o)
flip flops
rockit dogs
Franco Sarto and Kenneth Cole
adidas and some times when at home i like to wear women the ones below
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read above
i feel that shoes are like friends, and everyone should have a varitie. Personally i feel that Hermes are the best but i could always go for some todd. When i am feeling funkey To Boot New York is one of my favs. Also if i just feel like buying i love to go to Steve Madden and just get about ten pair
The one and only Christian Louboutin....yours?
isn't he a new one for woman's heels?
i love love love louboutins. too bad i can't afford them. i wear a lot of steve madden and bcbg. i love bcbg. and i just discovered marc fisher. gorgeous shoes. **kisses**
I saw some Louboutins and i personally did not think they were that wonderful. Although Louboutins could be the newest 'chic' for woman's footwear, the shoes came across as more urban and less interior design... I hope i make sense.. Kind of like wearing volleyball shorts to a black dress gala..
Dolce & Gabbana and Jimmy Choo's. But I do prefer to go barefoot if I can:-)
I do like me some Converse... but I have nothing against generic shoes.
Bob -- the guy's a freakin' madman...
Jimmy Choo
Cole Haan and Roger Viver : Hands down most comfortable and beautiful creations in the world
why no Dior?
I love RR label it stands for Raghavendra Rathore.
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