• I can't see how much improvement in "sound quality" you would get by upgrading these components, unless you are willing to spend at least double. Small, incremental upgrades rarely produce much in the way of benefits. There are, however, a number of alternatives: - How loud are you trying to run the system? A 75W/channel (all channels powered? one channel only?) A/V receiver has its limits and if you are trying to break down the walls, you will be running the amplifiers into clipping. - Have you tried adjusting the location of the speakers (i.e., distance from back wall, separation, toe-in)? Relatively small adjustments can produce significant changes, depending on the speaker design and the room geometry. The Audience 72 speakers have a front-vented reflex enclosure and should be able to tolerate being closer to the back wall than a rear-vented design. - How good is the signal source? The most important component in any audio or video system is the source. You can buy the best amplifiers and speakers, but if the signal source is questionable, no amount of money spend downstream will improve the quality. Find a store that loans demo equipment to their customers and try out a few options in your home. (Don't bother with big-box stores.) Some stores may swipe your credit card for the full list price, but not post the transaction if you return the item on time and in the same condition as it left the store - it's their insurance against theft. Don't be afraid of spending US$500 to US$1000 for a CD or DVD player; you can get some great players at these modest prices. - What kind of speaker cables and interconnects are you using? Most of the interconnects that are included in the box should be passed on at a garage sale and 18 gauge zip cord makes a lousy speaker cable. Changing cables may not solve your problem, but it can improve things.

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