I had carpal tunnel syndrome corrective surgery in both hands. Related to typing (exactly what I'm doing now - I'll never learn!). I had it done at Backus Hospital in Norwich, CT.
I had a c-section in January
Nothing serious but had 2 hernias removed, caused by lifting 20st patients! then i have all 4 wisdom teeth out, i love going under, 99..98....boof!
I had a serious surgey on my elbow. I got a double compound fracture on it.
I had surgery done on my jaw as a teenager. My entire bite was off so they literally cut my jawbone on both sides, moved it where it should be, and put plates on it to keep it together until it could heal. I was on liquid only for a couple weeks then soft food only for something like 3 months. This was in southern california.
not an important one. i had a root canal done on my tooth.the procedure was such a big one, it went on for hours that the numbness in my gums vanished and could feel the surgery for about 5 minutes.
tonsils and adnoids removed age 4. My latest was last monday with my what i thought then cancerous mole. Now i hate the stiches, theyre really annoying.
At 7 years old I had surgery on my left thigh, because I had broken the bone in three places and it needed to be re-set into place.
Had my left wrist manipulated as a kid. Have got a wire pin in my left big toe. Have had a bone removed from my right ankle. Have got a wire holding my patela together on my left knee and a horrible scar. Gotta have an op to put my scaphoid back together. All of the above in less then a year, apart from the first. Just wonder if their gonna cause hastle all through my life or not. I just turned 21.
In my mouth when I was about 12. There was a tooth that would not come down so they opened up my gum and connected a metal chain to the tooth to try to pull it down. They always blamed me for the surgery not being successful but two years later when they finally took it out since nothing was happening, they discovered the tooth was actually attatched to my jaw bone and would never come down.
Yes i had a upper arm reduction i lost alot of weight and was left with disgusting skin hanging on my arms the term is batwing,so my husband paid for me to get them thing i have ever done and i slipped a disc and had to have it removed.
I have had many different surgeries the most recent was Lens Replacement Surgery about 2 months ago.
Yeah, on my jaw, to correct my bite. I have a metal plate in my head.
I had a c-section does that count?
Yes, on my mouth.
Yes. I fell and busted my chin open. Was weird b/c you could see the inside but I felt no pain. Bad experience with DownRating's?
Let's see, about 10 to date. At least one more in the next year... and then a few more after that. Hopefully, that will be it!!
sure, on my heart when I was 3½
On my left femur, i broke it badly
Twice: This past August - I had a tumor removed from my throat. And when I was 16 on my big left toe.
I had oral surgery to remove my wisdom teeth! But that's it...
No, I'm blessed enough to not of had to go through any surgery.
I had my tonsils taken out...
two cesarean sections to deliver my two boys ! )
When I was 7 years old I had to have eye surgery on my left eye because it was crossed. It was done to help me to focus with both eyes better too. The other surgeries happened when I was 21 and 23 years old. I had my Wisdom teeth removed.
Yes. C-section. Then they tried to tell me, 12 years later for a perfect pregnancy that I was required to have another c-section, at 30 weeks gestation. I am lucky to say I have only been sliced open once and I proved the Dr's that they were wrong.
I had a laparoscopy when I was 20, surgery on my thumb to repair a severed nerve, and a tubal ligation after my last child.
I had minor surgery to remove a cyst, but it was very scary and painful.
Yes I have had surgery on my wrist twice for ganglion cysts and last July I had back surgery for a ruptured disc.
cancer twice. both knee's (twice). appendix. knife in eye. pins in ankles and shoulders. vasectomy. wisdom teeth (4). fix and repair broken bones in both hands. and a few more things as well
Yes! One for a broken arm, one to remove my appendix and another to remove my wisdom teeth!
x3 tonsills when i was little, one 3 years ago on both legs on my archilles and one last year to remove a 8cm lump on my foot and now i am about to have a sinus operation in december.
I am not sure how many surgeries I have had. 30 or more probably. Most of them were because of an accident when I was 12 when a car hit me. My leg was amputated three times over two years because it was badly damaged- once below the knee, and twice above the knee. I have had several stump revisions or other stump surgeries. My left eye was removed, I had two surgeries on the bone around my eye, and smaller operations to make it look better and to make fake eyes fit better. I had surgery on my broken pelvis, had parts of it removed, on my abdominal muscles, on my bladder, rectum, cervix and vagina. (the vagina and rectum work great, which I really appreciate.). For a year my intestines were connected to a hole in my side, and later surgically reconnected to my rectum. Some of my large intestine was removed and made into a sort of new bladder, and they connect to a valve in my side. I open the valve to urinate out of the hole in my side. That system evolved over many surgeries, but it works great and is sanitary and convenient. I've had surgery for two badly broken ribs. I have had plastic surgery to make scars and other results of the accident look better. Unrelated to my accident I had surgeries for bad cuts (bicycle accident) and for my wisdom teeth. That sounds like a lot, but I have not had any health problems or surgeries at all since I was 18. I'm missing a leg and an eye and I can pee unobtrusively while standing up (a great thing!), but otherwise I am completely healthy and normal now.
Apart from the wisdom teeth, only once when I had a nephrectomy for renal cancer. When I finally got to see the incision I was amazed. It looked as though they were trying to cut me in half but got disturbed when they were halfway through. They also did a ureterectomy and that left me with a catheter in my penis while my bladder healed. Yes, it stings when they finally heave it out.
Caesarean section for premature footling breach baby - she's 21 in a minute! (well in couple of months)
yes, gallbladder, hysterectomy, two hip implants and a knee surgery
Sure, a finger infection, a mole in my privates, circumcision but too young to remember.
yes, for gallstones, a hysterectonny, two hip innplants and a knee surgery
I was thinking about surgery to correct my walleye vision, but changed my mind. "There's a delicate corneal inversion procedure... a multioptipupiloptomy. But, in order to keep from damaging the eye sockets, they've got to go in through the rectum. Ain't no man going to take that route with me!"
Yes and I will need more. Going to put it off as long as possible.
an appendectomy and 2 hernia repairs
Yeah. Where on my body? Or where was I at the time? I was stitched up after being run over by a car across my hips in Des Moines, IA when I was 4. Had my tonsils out, don't remember where or when I was young. I had a C section in Chattanooga TN when I was 21. 3 wisdom teeth removed in Brunswick, Maine I had my gallbladder out in Alabaster, AL and I may have to have an 8cm cyst removed from my ovary if it doesn't behave! Are biopsies considered surgery? I've had two of those both here in Birmingham, AL I had a calcium deposit removed from my right hand, but they used a needle and saline solution so they didn't have to cut me. Oh yeah, I also inhaled a straight pin into the tube to my lung when I was sewing and they had to go down my throat with an osteoscope with a magnet on the end to pull it outa there. lol They didn't cut me then either, but my stepfather complained how that pin cost him over $1,000.00! He'd roll over in his grave if he knew how much it would cost today!! I was 13, I think and we lived in Chattanooga, TN.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Maybe you should invest in some bubble wrap. : / -
Linda Joy
Lol, I almost said I would if I thought it would help, but then I remembered how hot and sweaty I get when I'm outside in polyester! I wouldn't want to be wrapped in plastic!
Back surgery because of injury they removed one vertebrate which made me an inch shorter and several skin cancer (basil cell carcinoma) removals. I can tell ya it's easier to take with scrape and burn.
I had surgery in Michigan and in Indiana once, for medical reasons.
I had a spinal surgery on my triple scoliosis when I was 12. They cut open my back and put titanium rods and screws down both sides - I am a part robot!
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