• I believe it had a message written in three different languages, one being hieroglyphs (did I spell it right?), which made it possible to translate inscriptions on ancient egyptian tombs. a rather important discovery in my opinion, otherwise you wouldn't know who you were digging up or be able to make a cronological lists of ruling pharaos.
  • It was a fundamental tool in the way of helping researchers decipher other hierogliphics. This from the wiki article: "The Rosetta Stone is a well-known example from a series of decrees, the Ptolemaic Decrees, issued by the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt from 305 BC to 30 BC. The series consists of the Decree of Canopus by Ptolemy III, Decree of Memphis by Ptolemy IV (as represented by The Memphis Stele) and the Rosetta Stone decree by Ptolemy V." "In 1814, the Briton Thomas Young finished translating the enchorial (demotic) text, and began work on the hieroglyphic script. From 1822 to 1824, Jean-François Champollion greatly expanded on this work, and he is known as the translator of the Rosetta Stone. Champollion could read both Greek and Coptic, and figured out what the seven Demotic signs in Coptic were. By looking at how these signs were used in Coptic, he worked out what they meant. Then he traced the Demotic signs back to hieroglyphic signs. By working out what some hieroglyphs stood for, he made educated guesses about what the other hieroglyphs meant"

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