The closest I ever came to that was having the inseam of pants that I bought raised so that it would fit better.
My Sunday suit. Notice the formal red buttons.
Yes, bathing suits and bras Hi galeanda + 5
i had a tuxedo tailored for me. it was for my cousins wedding. i had it mae to look like one of terry benedict's tuxedo's from oceans 11
Yes a teal dress for my friend's wedding. I got it for 20 bucks and thought it was so pretty and decided to pop the 50 for the tailoring, and it fits like a dream.
Yes :)
My mother made all my clothes until I was about six or seven. After that age she only made things for special occasions. She made my first wedding dress. That's one of the last things she made for me.
I used to have my skirts custom fit for me when I was a young girl. I had to go to the tailors and the funny thing was I don't ever remember wearing them after I had them. They just sat in my closet.
Yes. My grade 8 graduation dress.
yeah. got my wedding reception dress stitched just for me,like the one i had seen a celebrity wear in one of the movies.guess the lady who had sown it for me did a better job than the original designer.
Edited out
Yep, quite a few dress pants.
Yes...two salwar suits and a sari here in India.
My prom dress! Can't fit it now, of course....
The top of my head! 26 stitches from fallling off of a motorbike! Nice needlework Doc!
Yes, my suits.
My neighbor made my prom dress for me as a graduation gift. I got to design it, and she created it from a combination of patterns.
Thanks, you have me thinking now, I do not regret the stitches across my head, its has generated lots of chat in the past, every scar tells a story, a scratched crash helmet doesnt... ;-)
my prom dress as well. I still have it.
Yes. It is a nice fit - not very often, but I had one suit and a number of shirts made for me in the past. All were gifts. I have never paid for such an extravagance.
An ex-girlfriend was tailored for me , she loved Chelsea and she was a lager swilling maniac.
A tuxedo for my sons wedding
Business suits
yes, I am very small and everything swims on me until i get it fixed usually. Especially skirts for some reason. No matter what the tag says, it is too wide or way too long
yes... several times.
Yes, many things over the years. My Gram and mother both sewed alot of our clothes when we were kids. I have also had some dresses done as an adult since it is so hard to find things that fit both the top and bottom.
First thing I got tailored was the suits for my mums wedding. The second things where my Number 1 (Blues) and Number 2 (Green, Lovats) uniforms for the Royal Marines. Smart as 10.
yes. i'm tall, so when i was younger and having problems finding long jeans in stores, i started to get some jeans made for me. but that costs too much.
Yes, I often do.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Often? For your short stature, I can see why.
yes, my father would do that since he was a tailor
Every now and then. The last time I went to a tailor shop was to add a drawstring to the waist of a brand new $150.00 dollars, The North Face puffer vest. I wear it with sport tights, so I like it tied to my waist. I don't sew or have a machine, but the tailor did it rapidly, leaving it like factory.
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