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Yes, yes you should. And I should be able to hop your fence and steal some from time to time.
Yes. I assume you mean hypothetically, of course.
i don't think it should be illegal but in most places it is.
There should be a limit of a certain amount. Any reasonable amount should be legal to grow in the U.S. for gifts and personal consumption. Lets take the money away from the criminal black market.
Absolutely! That's how life should work. Wanna buzz? Go pick some weeds in your backyard to dry out and smoke them. Better than contributing to the black market, mafia, terrorists, whoever it is that's selling it these days! It's a WEED, for Cripes' sake. If the government wants to be helpful, they can outlaw f*cking dandelions!!
Yes you should but I reccomend getting a greenhouse so you can grow it hydroponically. It has less of a chance of being discovered and you can grow more affective THC laden buds. So when are you having a party to celebrate the bringing in of the crops?
shit i would love to be able to grow my own weed in my back yard and have it legal cause i would make my whole back yard a garden of beautiful buds
Hell Yes. I've got a little garden of my own. Smells like a little mint forest
Yes, but it is easier and less noticeable to do a small hydro-op in your basement; albeit pricier. Make sure you get a book, and don't waste your time growing males unless you want to cross strains.
Loose lips sink ships and I'll leave it at that.
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