• No, the heart keeps beating. I assumed the saying was because sneezing could signfy illness, but I did Google it and there are a number of different back stories to it.
  • No, it doesn't stop, although people used to believe that happened. Here are some of the reasons we say "God bless you" when somebody sneezes; The tradition of saying "God bless you" or simply "Bless you" when someone sneezes dates back to ancient times. There are a few possible origins: Health Reasons: During the time of the bubonic plague in Europe, sneezing was often seen as a sign of the plague. Pope Gregory I suggested saying "God bless you" as a quick prayer to protect the sneezer from falling ill. Superstition: In some cultures, people believed that sneezing could cause your soul to be expelled from your body, leaving you vulnerable to evil spirits. Saying "God bless you" was a way to protect your soul from these malevolent forces. Cultural Tradition: Ancient Greeks and Romans associated sneezing with omens, both good and bad. Saying "Bless you" was a way to ward off bad luck. Physiological Belief: There was also a belief that your heart stops for a brief moment when you sneeze, so saying "Bless you" was a way of welcoming someone back to life. 2/23/25
  • Contrary to popular belief, the heart keeps beating when you sneeze. What it does is change its rhythm. While the gesture is traditionally meant to wish someone good health.

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