• Yes. 2/18/25
  • Is there any question on here that has changed your mind or opinion on anything?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Yes, a few. Most questions asked on Answerbag are not challenging and don’t get me thinking but a few questions do.
  • 2/18/2025, yes, a UK closed-minded person who gets annoyed by US English: What I have learned from him/her in other subjects, the word math is incorrect, and should be spelled as "maths," color for "colour," aluminum for "aluminium," French fries 🍟 for "chips," cookies πŸͺ for biscuits, it's for "its" and etc. Even DancesWithWolves has noticed such hostility: Don't nobody get me wrong, cause me likes UK English, and especially North off England slang in which I find Really Ace. So Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt. πŸ˜ƒ

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