• Sounds crazy to me! The US has nothing to gain by controlling gaza. IMHO. 2/6/25
  • He's talking out his head its 🤣 crazy
  • 2/6/2025, in Trump's Gaza Riviera plan, it's only a matter of time before poor and middle-class Americans who voted for him realize: What about US infrastructure, inflation, homelessness and etc? It is supposed to be "America First."
  • He also said no uS troops on the ground there so hes full of BS also. AsI live on the otherside of the world I dont really care what happens there as long as Australia doesn't get any more jippos dumped here. Most jews Ive meet were rude pos , Ive had plenty of fights with the Lebos here most of that was young boys being dickheads so I wont slag them off too much never meet a Gazen so they must be top people as they are in their own country. I want no part of any country stealing, Gald I live in the southern Hemisphere. As Ive never been there its up to the people of the country to sort it out.
  • NO! He is trying to be the dictator of the world! This is what the anti-Christ of the Bible talks about. We are in the World of the End times spoken of in Matthew 24 and 25.

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