• Yes. Quite often, the person receiving treatment are not always cured. They end up feeling worse than before or that they have been misdiagnosed or given tablets that does not help their condition due to the misunderstanding of the doctor or psychologist who are not always right with diagnosis. With some people, they can be helped by themselves and those who are unable to help themselves get better rely on mental health treatment services which can be unhelpful. It depends on the person’s circumstances and situations. Mental health services can be different in each country.
  • Some people think taking pills is good for them. Why is their so much depression in the world is the question no one is asking. Or is it lots drug companys need to sell their pills so they pay the doctor a commison on every pill he sells for them as there is no shortage of silly people that will buy these addictive drugs once they start taking anti depresants most people seam to be still taking them 10 years later why is that? How much mental health was there in 1970? We are in the age of weak men is the root cause I think.
  • I wonder when it was ever "better" than it is today? ALL phases of the health care industry are hobbled by insurance companies, and their quest for a bigger bottom line. Even so, I think it is better now, than in the days of insane asylums and lobotomies! 2/4/25

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