• It would have to be the UK as some of my family and friends were 10 pound poms. Ive never been to Europe and doubt ill ever be going there now. the internet is about as close to Eurpoe as I'll ever get..
  • Italy, the UK and Germany. Gotta love Italian fashion, the savory food, British Yorkshire Tea with biccies and German technology. 😀
  • I've not been to them all, so hard to say. I will say Switzerland, as great as it is, is so incredibly expensive that I honestly don't know how anyone can afford to live or die there. Actually, all of Western Europe is so expensive and all of Eastern Europe is so cheap, I don't see why peopke don't just all live in Poland and Slovakia and commute to work.
  • Apart from the UK (my own country) I don't really have a favourite. I try to treat them all as equal.

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