• Depends what you are into. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David Griffiths is really good if you want to learn something. As for fiction, most classic books make me feel sad. Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Steinbeck, Voltaire, etc., it's mostly very depressing, if you ask me. Super talented writers, but depressing stories. I tend to enjoy fantasy and sometime sci fi, or anything trippy, like Slaughterhouse Five.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I enjoy Quantum Mechanics. Have you read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Yes, I enjoyed that one, but I'm not sure whether most people are into stuff like that or not.
  • I recommend that everyone reads the dictionary because it will improve the person’s usage of words and understanding in the English language. The dictionary is a reference book.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I did think about reading it once, but reading any book will help with vocabulary and grammar, and puts words into context, for me it will remain a reference book. My memory is poorer as I get older, I sometimes walk into a room and find two cups of tea I already made a few minutes earlier, still that's usually when I have a lot on my mind, so reading fiction non fiction novels helps me remember words. Was it you shadow who said they have a collie dog, as I was wondering pros and cons of the breed?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      By reading the dictionary you get to understand the meaning of words. You’re thinking of someone else who has a collie dog. There are 2 French bulldogs in my home. I used to have a pug for 7 years since he was a few weeks old and sadly passed away in 2023
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Sorry to hear that Shadow, dogs leave a very large hole. Pugs are so funny as well.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Thanks. It’s very emotionally painful when a dog’s time comes. He was a funny dog at times.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Would you consider getting another dog at some point?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I might get another pug sometime in the future. Do you have a pet dog and if so, what breed?
  • The Eclipse of God by Erwin Lutzer Very relevant to today.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I've found an audio book of it on YouTube.

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