Everyone is involved with their imagination. Without imagination there would be no inventions or works of art.
Shadow Of The Mind
People with an imagination lack in empathy and emotional connection with others around them. Those with a sense of some reality and in tune with nature are the opposite. Not everyone in the world has an imagination. I know that I don’t have much imagination and have certain social skills. Not everyone is the same. -
From my experience, I wouldn't say that people who have imagination lack empathy. People who lack empathy often feel empty, and enjoy manipulating others emotions since they experience so little of them, themselves. They see emotion as a weakness. They come across charismatic,but stay in their company long enough, you realise their persona is an act, there's no substance there. They are flat. -
Shadow Of The Mind
The point I’m trying to make is that people with an imagination are involved in their own head and that makes them emotionally blind to other people’s feelings. They block out emotions and anything that makes a person human psychologically speaking. They would be in denial to see emotions as weak because they are not much of a human being and they are shallow minded. I see your point that without imagination there would be no inventions and work of art but there is a downside to that humanly speaking. -
Children who don't display imaginative play often have cognitive impairment or delay, and cognition is essential for language. Imagination is highly important in empathy, since one imagines how the other person would feel. Not sure where you're going with this but to have healthy development both children and adults need imagination. The belief that imagination is somehow inferior to logical reasoning often kills, stifles or smothers potential great ideas. Not only can this belief hinder great ideas but it also shows a lack of understanding about the important role that imagination plays in human life. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Imagination impairs emotions both for the person and towards others around them. In order to empathise, one must be aware of their emotions and place themselves in someone else’s position. That doesn’t require imagination. It requires emotional intelligence and awareness. To have healthy development, children must learn about self awareness and to socialise with the right people in the right environment. I don’t see how imagination comes into it because that would make the person emotionally blind towards others around them. Being imaginative means to be involved in the head and that can block out emotional awareness which makes them empty inside themselves and develop into a psychopath or sociopath with no sense of empathy. -
How imagination fuels empathy and prosocial behaviour -
Carl Jung intergrating the subconscious for wholeness. "The debt we owe to the imagination is incalculable.
I like a good story, the more outrageous the better. Some of the turn outs I work for seam to specialise in slang terms the young bloke often asks WTF was he talking about.
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