what did your grandmother do, the hardness of the water you wash with will be a major contributor, is spending a couple of months some where there is plenty of rain water aka the water is from clean water tanks with filters on the pumps, an option. It would be pointless buying the best quality shampoo to suit your hair and using bore water to wash it with. The mineral content of the water would be something to find out. I was too weak to use bore water in the shower it was suposed to be good enough to drink the cattle didn't die.
Ummm... I guess that helps me?
Watch TV. They are ALWAYS selling some product or another to make your hair whatever you want it to be. 11/19/24
Avoid hair products that contain sulfates and alcohol. Wear a silk bonnet, or use a silk pillow case when sleeping. Use a wide tooth comb. Start from the ends when combing not the top. Get a really good conditioner and do not wash it all out. Do not wash your hair every day, let the hair rest, aim to wash it only once a week minimal. Leave for two, if hair doesn't get greasy. Do not use elastics that tear the hair when worn.
I tend to use products containing coconut. That's all I can think of, I noticed you lose less hair when washing it as well. Biggest mistake is not leaving conditioner in the hair. -
Thank you, most helpful answer so far!
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