• No, a large part of the police now works as a business. The problems of society is the political landscape indoctrination "Marxist," and the divide between rich and poor, (with middle class in between) disabled and healthy, media influence, Corporate control. HIGH taxes on everything.
  • yes they inforce the pathetic rules when police and politicans follow the laws I will. They dont follow the laws they inforce.Who enforeced the covid lock down laws? Yes the police have plenty of blame on them.
    • Creamcrackered
      Yes, but they were ignorant of what we know now, in my road there was domestic violence, people losing the plot indoors with each other, and it was the police going out and dealing with it, getting spat at, without any masks nothing, so then they got sick. Front line workers were treated atrociously through the first lockdown. My cousin works as a nurse, they had no protection, had no idea what they were dealing with, he was so upset with all the elderly or unwell catching it and dying (remember its usually elderly or heart disease, cancer) patients in hospitals, it got to a point where so many were dying that it became normal. I'm not saying there ain't assholes in the force or that the blue wall of silence doesn't exist, but a lot of coppers knew as much as us.
    • Creamcrackered
      Yes, but they were ignorant of what we know now, in my road there was domestic violence, people losing the plot indoors with each other, and it was the police going out and dealing with it, getting spat at, without any masks nothing, so then they got sick. Front line workers were treated atrociously through the first lockdown. My cousin works as a nurse, they had no protection, had no idea what they were dealing with, he was so upset with all the elderly or unwell catching it and dying (remember its usually elderly or heart disease, cancer) patients in hospitals, it got to a point where so many were dying that it became normal. I'm not saying there ain't assholes in the force or that the blue wall of silence doesn't exist, but a lot of coppers knew as much as us.
    • 11stevo73
      Everytime its ever mattered Victoria police have shit on me. They are the traitors they enforced the goverment laws that gave the country away. Just anouther motor bike club
    • 11stevo73
      As a judge once told me ignorance is no excuse.
  • They are the cause of a lot of society's problems.

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