Not sure where you are coming from Shadow, might need more info, but books such as Aesop Fables, Red Riding Hood, the boy that cried wolf, chicken Lickin (penguin books) they all had morals in them, those morals don't change just because someone is an adult.
Shadow Of The Mind
There are certain things that adults believe in that are directed at children such as Santa, tooth fairy and Easter Bunny but any sensible adult would know there is no such thing as those characters. Fairy tale books only confuse children because the storyline is based on imagination although there are certain elements that reflect on reality such as morals. It’s like lying to a child with certain backgrounds of reality mixed in with fantasy such as what happens in relationships. Am I making sense? Also, movies come from the imagination of the director so what you’re seeing on the screen is not real but some people including adults and children believe what they see on the screen because it’s just stupidity. Sensible adults should not be lying to children and teach them about having a sense of reality. -
Children are born adventurers, and imaginative play is part of growth and development. Did you never play grown ups, or schools when you were young, did you never jump from seat to sofa, pretending the floor was a sea with sharks, or lava? Did you not build camps? Did you not dress up as cowboys and Indians, did you not mimic your favourite TV characters? Wonder and imagination is a child's natural state. As grown ups the imagination creates great art work, paintings, statues, architecture, makes scientific discoveries, with imagination there is no drive to create, as first all great works start with an idea, imagining that coming to life, drives us to create to discover. And so what if those things in childhood aren't true, unless they disturb the child then it buys into the magic that is childhood, before our dreams shatter and we become adults, working 9-5 jobs, for 90 % of our lives, and retiring. Having those type of childhoods, and watching that awe and unlimited potential in a child, is the spark of life itself, why dull it? -
Shadow Of The Mind
I was never much of a person for imagining things. I like to be idealistic and be in tune with the natural world. People with an imagination are not in tune with the natural world and reality. They spend so much time involved in their heads. The spark of life in a person is emotions and people who imagine things lack in empathy and other human traits. I suppose it depends how a child is raised by their parents and what they are taught. It is down to the child’s understanding of things if they can get their head around reality eventually. Paintings, buildings and scientific discoveries are all based on human potential so I don’t see how an imagination is to do with that. When humans create something for the real world, it is the idea in their conscious mind that counts. Reality can be disturbing for some people and they can be closed minded by hiding from reality because they don’t know how to face it.
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