• Ill bet they don't. But as Im not American I have no idea. the few Americans I know dont want any apart of any war they want the money spent in their town.Same as any other human.
  • Do most Americans agree that they, personally, should send money to Israel? I'd guess not. * Do most Americans agree with the US Government sending money to Israel? Probably. Israel is one of our most important strategic allies, and (as far as I can tell) in general Israel has a very positive reputation among the typical US resident (both for religious reasons and for being "the underdog justly defending itself against terrorist neighbors"). Whenever I hear a report of Israel retaliating against some terrorist missile attack, and the report contains negative overtones, I think: "If US citizens were being struck by missiles from Mexico, wouldn't I, a US citizen, want our government to respond in a similar way?" * Yes, the Israeli government should be considerate of the lives of the Gaza (and other) civilian citizens...but their primary responsibility and duty is to their own citizens. That *needs* to always come first. That's one of the primary responsibilities of any government.

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