..would you say the government works for The People? Is it in line with constitutional law? See link if interested..
Ideally, the very point of the contract between the government and governed people is "you keep us safe, we yield to you power." Back in early civilization, this was necessary for survival, as an unprotected city meant invasion, and invasion meant certain death for men, and life of slavery for women and children. So, having an effective government that organizes a military was absolutely necessary. Sometime around the early bronze age, cities started banding together to be safer from external domination, but opened themselves up to the possibility of internal domination. So, dictatorship is sort of a consequence of civilization.
Interesting school of thought, and valid, thanks Bostjan.
It turned into a big club long ago if it ever was really for the people? In theory it should work but people are too corupt, Even the trades unions are corrupt all the honest people get nowhere corrupt officals install their corrupt mates same in all forms of government the more money in the troff the more corruption. When the politician is sponsored by a company whos interests do they act in those of their sponsor or the people after they finish politics they get a cushy well paid job with the company.
Very true, during Brexit, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson were sponsored by the same banker.
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