Bear with me Jenny, as I might read your question incorrectly, so I have 2 responses. 1) Consciousness is the tail end of the subconscious, it's the part where we can observe ourselves. 2) You can practice awareness of self, by focusing on your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations without an attempt to change or judge them, this is a way of getting to know yourself. You can take that out into social situations, and learn to watch your reactions, rather than reacting blindly, of course not all situations can prevent reaction, as most things in the past have conditioned automatic response (flight, fight, fawn, or freeze). Once you learn to observe the self you can then extend it to others. But being conscious or observing yourself is always far more important, because it's only you who have control over your life and how you respond to it. If this doesn't answer your question you might have to elaborate, it's 22.42 here and I'm in bed,shattered.
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