There's no fruit that I usually add to my savory dishes. Not unless you consider (black) pepper to be a "fruit".
bostjan the adequate 🥉
It is. So no eggplant, tomato, zucchini/squash, pumpkin, peppers, okra, avocado, olive, etc? -
First: in answer to your question: none of those are things that I USUALLY add to savory dishes. *** In regard to "fruits"...if we're not distinguishing fruits from vegetables, then pepper and tomato are fruits (which are a particular part or "organ" or "structure" of some species of vegetation). If we *are* distinguishing fruits from vegetables, then pepper is a spice (not a fruit or a vegetable) and tomatoes are a type of vegetable, as are eggplant, squash and okra. Pumpkin in my experience is usually used as a fruit even though it is a type of squash, so I'm not sure about that one. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
These are all biologically fruits. Culinary definitions are typically subjective, so I don't take them too seriously.
Probably lemon or lime most often. Anything that comes from a blossom though is considered a fruit. 9/16/24
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