I take both vitamins and minerals. I take each for a particular reason regarding my health. I believe I am healthier because of them. I do not take multivitamins as they do not provide the amounts necessary to provide for good health. I take 26 different vitamins and minerals daily. I just had my physical and blood tests and found to be in good health for my age of 86 years old. I believe much of my health is because of the vitamins I take.
Thank you for sharing :) Hugs
what do you think they do? The few people I can think of that have been taking them for years along with any other pills the doctor gives them are all in poor health these people are only in their 50's. Most of vitamin pils do nothing at best.
Thank you for sharing :) -
Read my comment above.
Vit D, the UK never has sufficient sun rays.
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