It doesn't work in the west either, every president is told what to do by a board of advisers, same as politicians and royalty in the UK, potiental presidents rallies are sponsored by large Corporations, and banks, hence they decide what's best for them, and what's the best way to control the sheeple, and harvest them both financially, globally, it doesn't matter if you are run by communism or so-called democracy, your votes don't count. George Carlin and Cathy O' Brian (MK ultra slave) told you this, its a big club and you ain't in it. Cathy said, Bill Clinton was chosen as president, 10 years before he took office. Our muppets want us to believe that Conservative voters, rich, and Middle class, home owning, business owning, people, who get tax breaks from Conservatives, changed their vote to Labour, a working class, Liberal Party, who tax the rich, and so won the vote, what an absolute bunch of Bull. Starmer didn't even get as many votes as Corbyn, and as a popular party Reform, only won four seats, the games rigged guys!
⭐️Creamcrackered Funny 5 days after the shooting, Trumps ear was healed. A bullet has such speed and force it would remove part or the whole ear, it would be mush, look at what it did to JFK's head. All the worlds a stage!.
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