• No, that's funny though. I might try that out on one of the tribal police on the rez and see how it goes. 8/14/24
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Just say to him, “hey policeman, cop on” and see how he reacts
    • dalcocono
      I'll give that a shot and see how they do. They'll probably laugh. I'm not sure if the American cops off the rez would laugh or not.
    • dalcocono
      I saw one of the tribal cops at the casino last night. I told him to "cop on brother" as he was walking thru. He said "I'm going to keep on copping on for another hour or so, then I'm going to cop out because my shift is done then!"
    • Shadow Of The Mind
  • a mate once told a cop to take his copper head and f*ck off. The cop got his fine book out and fined my mate and explained to him would he like a free ride in the back of his divy van while 2 of his comrads were putting hand cuffs on my mate, Another time they were arresting my mate for being drunk in public in front of my house I was having a party,he was mouthing off on my front lawn then he stepped on the foot path they grabbed him and arrrested him. I told this big bald cop let him out or well throw a roit a bunch of 18 year olds. He said try it he was iching for a fight we run inside they took my mate to the drunk tank.

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