I'd rather believe God's not real than to believe he is and he hates me specifically. I'd ask him why he gave me such a f***** up life mentally damaged mother, a string of pedophiles, abandonment, abusive marriages, terminal illnesses early in life, poverty and discrimination in many forms. I'd rather just believe it was all a matter of luck than to believe God was treating me like the reverse of Job! All the losses without any of the wins! Someone recommended I read Proverbs and I realized God's been treating me like the unrighteous all my life even when I did believe! I've never liked the role of victim, but I am a survivor! I'd rather believe its just the turn of the dice... that's what I believe now.
i dont believe that will ever happen as I dont believe there is a god.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing!
Have mercy on me.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nice music video, thanks for sharing!
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