• Joe is still potus, but he's laid up at home with covid they're telling us. 7/22/24
    • 11stevo73
      Has he been seen in the last 5 days?
    • dalcocono
      I don't think he has been out in public since he retreated to Delaware. The news people say he's "recovering" from his covid and under treatment". He could have died from it for all we really know, but probably not.
    • dalcocono
      He's supposed to be on tv tonight, 7/24/24
    • 11stevo73
      did you watch it all ? It was unwatchable i couldn't watch Joe.
    • dalcocono
      I did not watch it. After the debate fiasco, I just couldn't bear to. I saw on the msnbc news that several wealthy liberals and politicians were commenting "great speech" and the most influential potus of the century" and other foolishnesslike that.
  • It isn't the same guy who gave us Covid.
    • 11stevo73
      Who is the real Pres?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Donald Trump is the real president. He's in the basement of the white-house with the corpse of JFK, his son and Bridey Murphy. He's declassifying documents telepathically. Bridey is calling Ireland via upgraded AT&T
    • 11stevo73
      We've all been hoodwinked none of us know who is running our countrys. Importing too many people turning us all into slaves is what is happening
    • 11stevo73 evil scum?
  • Maribel Perez Wadsworth is the president of USA Today
    • 11stevo73 evil scum?
  • Joe Biden
    • 11stevo73
      does Joe Know hes president ? Who is running the country?

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