• At times we can't control laughter... So I'm not sure why we are being judge for that..
  • Only if you think it's funny. I'm sure I'd laugh my butt off! 7/23/24
    • Linda Joy
      The weird thing about laughing your ass off is I've been doing it all my life and my fat ass is still there!
    • dalcocono
  • Wow, did someone make rules about laughing while I was gone? And what is even considered gender specific clothes anymore? Or PEOPLE for that matter! I've seen fashion choices that make me wonder if these people even have mirrors!
  • On the local street, you are free to laugh uncontrollably, just don't pick a fight with a cross-dresser:
  • I don't know, are they funny on TV, isn't it a bit...old hat? The dress ritual -
  • Only if it’s intended as a comedy. There is an Irish television series called Mrs Brown’s Boys in which the actor is a man dressed up as a woman. An English actor who passed away last year, Paul O’Grady used to dress up as a woman for a laugh and the character he played was Lily Savage. The point being it’s funny when male comedians dress up as women like the movie Mrs Doubtfire. If a man likes to dress up as a woman for real and is serious about it, leave him to it and it would not be a laughing matter because maybe they have certain things going on in the mind or that they might be confused about who they want to be.

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