The Bible
Inspired from the answer below/above which is also a face.. the Quran
If you mean, "What quotes from a book can you call most easily to mind after a very long time", I'd like to say "the Bible"...but that's not it. I can quote several passages...but nothing close to the whole thing, no significant portion of the Bible. It's going to have to be a children's book, like " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" or "Green Eggs and Ham". Those have stuck with me since childhood, large portions of them, anyway. The rhyming definitely helps the memory.
Jenny The Great ⭐
No, books is the topic such as, Which book have you had the longest? Which book have you owned for so long? Which book has stuck with you for so many years and other lifetime book questions. I will ask a question soon about book quotes. Thanks for the idea.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull was the only book from my childhood that really affected or changed my way of thinking.
"When the great spirit died". A story of Native California, and the gold rush. 8/1/24
Gone with the Wind
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