7/19/2024, the experts said he would drop out last weekend. They lied to us š¤„. If Joe Biden's old age is not a good enough reason to get him to drop out, then his Covid infection and Barack Obama urging Biden to drop out will do it for him: The Obamas have sucked his soul. A surprise is coming.
Joe sold his soul before I was born if he ever had one. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Selling his soul is one thing - coming for his soul is another.
It is getting closer, here is a headline from today; "The New York Times People Close to Biden Say He Appears to Accept He May Have to Leave the Race". He no longer has much support from his party due to his terrible showing at last months debate. 7/19/24
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are dreaming. Biden answered all his questions and stayed on topic. You did not watch the 2024 presidential debate nor do you understand how debates work. A candidate cannot win a debate when they dodge questions and go off topic like Trump clearly did on the first debate. *Facepalm* -
Blah blah blah troll. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It never hurts to zip your mouth. -
Good advice do it facepalm -
Jenny The Great ⭐
...and now you know. -
Trying to hit a boxer usally doesnt end well Jenny even an old boxer. You know how I know this lol. -
it is an opinion site. I was asking for opinions .Thanks for replying enjoy your discussion. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Stevo, trying to hit a taekwondoist with a black belt doesn't end well. So thanks for stopping by anyway. -
Black belt? Ahahaha! Facepalm, you can't get a belt around that fat troll gut at all! -
Phyisal size are you good for a punch on used to answer that? Leave the boy alone you are twice his size stop it now. Have you not ever heard that said why the bouncer at the pub is 6 foot and 220 pounds -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, on any belt, I'm positive you are speaking about your overweight granddaughters who can't get enough of Taco Bell. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Stevo, I believe you meant to leave the old man alone. LOL -
Troll belt ; such a tuffy! Wah, wah! Te mames mami jajaja. facepalm, lolz! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, lame joke. -
Jenny you watch too much tv . As dalcocono used to be a boxer hes probably punched more people than both of us put together ? If your training isn't hitting getting hit are you training for a fight or are you danacing for fitness? Internet fighting doesn't hurt, I turned 18 got my licnece I had a black eye in that photo. When I was 21 went to get a photo for my full licence I had anouther black eye same eye. Young blokes fighting over girls at the pub usually. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Stevo, you are exaggerating. Go easy on the alcohol. LOL -
Wah wah hahahaha! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Stevo, Jenny started it. LOL -
dalcocono These photos perfectly depict the racist troll jenny the snot! Wah! Wah! Lolz and a big facepalm! -
This guy probably had a "black belt too" wah wah, Ahahaha! -
"since stevo probably left this subject as soon as he answered the question. Tambien le doy una chinga si se mete. It's just me and you." Yes indeed mami you and me. You better find that black belt, and a better Spanish translator, you need them. Facepalm and lolz. Wah wah! Todavia te mames mami! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, Trump who is your god is the racist who you refer to. He doesn't like Mexicans. He sends them back to your Third World country. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, the supposedly boxer is certainly not you, now that you can barely change your diapers. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, I'll be sure to find a Heavy Duty strap belt to give to your granddaughters. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, let me know if your pendeja mami also needs one, just in case she is still alive. LOL -
It seems to be official now! -
Oh here we have jenny the snot repeating the same lame tired attempts at insult and Trump nonsense here on a new thread. You must be on your lunchbreak at Walmart trollio. I've answered them so many times now since the debate that joe lost, that I'm not bothering with them anymore. I bet you have a heavy duty strap-on right under your bed mami. You're my pendeja mami y te mames bien mami jajaja! Joe quit, he admits he lost the debate, better text him and straighten him out facepalm lolz! Wah, wah, lolz -
Look at all those posts. Still trying to appear clever, and failing. Still saying the same lame nonsense. Keep trying troll, you can't hurt my widdle feewings, because your'e not tough enough nor smart enough. Just the self appointed troll of a very limited use website with delusions of grandeur. You think you're "the great", but you're really just the Walmart stock girl. You might have to steal a bottle of liquor from work to get thru tonight crybaby. Here's your last blind date hahaha! Quick, go find that black belt! -
Here are photos of other users here reacting to your boring little troll fit you've been throwing since the debate facepalm, lolz -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, Biden seeming to drop out of the presidency is not based on the first debate, but by his old age as I have been telling you. *Huge Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
dalcocono, it is good that you brought up Walmart so I can know more of you and your Mexican family. LOL -
Of course it is, and now there won't be a 2nd because he lost the first and is quitting. If he had WON, pendeja, NONE of this would be happening. facepalm and lolz! -
What did you think was funny about the "mexican family" remark troll? You "lol" at inappropriate racism that you spew on the site you think you own. And you claim Trump is "racist and doesn't like Mexicans" mentirosa! Shameful nasty incorrect troll lolz! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There won't be a second debate with Biden in it? I knew this already by Biden's old age. There's nothing new you are telling me. Trump technically lost the first debate by avoiding questions and going off topic repeatedly. Biden answered all his questions and stayed on topic. It is all about Biden's age why he can no longer be president. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are crying badly cause you are not privileged by your Third World country traits. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There's your racist god. LOL -
More of the same old blah blah blah from the troll. You have spewed all this tripe 1000 times on the other threads you have been ranting and raving on for nearly a month now you silly troll. Same old racist inaccurate nonsense you are now shrieking about on this thread. You are such a loser. So, "speak English" is the best you got about him being a racist? BWAHAHAHA! Other than the little video, this comment is just a repeat of the same troll shyt you have been spreading ever since the debate where joe took 2nd place, facepalm, lolz! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
More repetitions? I see you keep repeating the same broken record. 1000 times? I can understand you have the time to count comments, since you are retired and with nothing else better to do. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Don't hate, cause I brought up racist Trump about what he thinks about Spanish. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You keep dreaming for thinking Trump won the debate. He dodged questions and went off topic many times. Watch the debate, and don't just listen to Bill O'Reilly. *An enormous Facepalm* -
Uh-huh, we all know who is "dreaming" on this thread little cucaracha, It's not me. Your racist dating life encapsulated here fea; -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Since it is a stereotype that Mexicans live with cucarachas, it may just be true. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
BTW, WHY didn't you tell me and stevo about YOUR boxing matches when you were in YOUR prime?????????????? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You certainly took advantage of a smaller man than yourself. ROTFLMAO. -
Here you are again calling for support form Stev O. "Help me help me" The guy in the video said he had a black belt too facepalm . Did you hear the part about "stepping into the ring itself takes courage" I bet you NEVER fought anybody in the ring at all. You just workout trying to lose 100 pounds or so. Then the black belt you bought might fit again Facepalm, lolzlolz -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Try again, cause you can't bait me. What's wrong, are you trying to hide your boxing video? Don't be ashamed of yourself. At least you were in your prime, enano. LOL -
Another black belt bites the dust wah wah facepalm. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's amateur karate pendejo. LOL -
Still knocked out "black belt" mongola facepalm! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Karate does not represent Taekwondo. So either way since you brought up karate, the clown in the video is no Jean-Claude Van Damme who has a black belt in karate: *An enormous Facepalm* -
Still a knocked out "black belt" gorda. facepalm! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nope, that's a karate clown. Karate girl takes down strongman: LOL *Enormous Facepalm* -
Cute, but staged. That would only happen in your dreams big sweety -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You're crying badly. Wahhhhhhh! LOL -
Here is a video representing you and me butch. See who is crying facepalm lolz! Crybaby -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I've seen the video, and nope, that's not you, since you are under 5 foot tall. LOL *Facepalm* -
Mi mami pendejada aqui is 5 feet tall and 4 ft wide, we saw you on the video mentirosa -
Here's pendeja mami all sad because she can't make me mad Ahahaha! -
This is not how they treat winners gorda facepalm -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You wish you were at least 5'4" in height. You are Mexican and little: ROTFLMAO -
Here you are again at your walmart lunch break. Very dependable for a troll. That's a cute video fat mami. You'd be easy to catch even for that guy. "Come hither fat mami" and BAM, there you are. I love that ! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm not Mexican or trailer park material to work at Walmart like your granddaughters who are not privileged, enano. LOL *A big Facepalm* -
Here you are again though, my pendeja mami, because you can't stay away from me now. I am in charge of your time now, and you can't help yourself, Una esclavita de los enanos, esperando a yo, tu princepe guapo Bwahahaha, facepalm -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It's your duty to defend your position pendejo. LOL *Facepalm* -
Te suelta un madrazo big mami. Mi esclavita cochinita! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nah, you would make a run for the border.
It IS official here is a youtube video and it's all over news too. They convinced him to go, based on his terrible debate performance I'm sure!
Jenny The Great ⭐
I have not denied that Joe Biden will drop out. I told stevo a few times he will drop out. Learn to read English as I have told you many times that Biden is too old for reelection. You don't even know how old is Joe Biden. *A huge Facepalm* -
Calling for steve o to help you again troll? Facepalm, lolz. Such a snowflake! Mira los links mami! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Calling for stevo for support? I'm not the one who answered his question twice. LOL -
How funny! You've answered YOUR OWN questions twice! facepalm lol. I answered it because like the nasty troll you are, you took over the comments on my original answer and I thought I'd give him a more accurate answer before you were able to do it here too. Te mames bien mami jajaja -
Play ball butch! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Facepalm? Not even close, since I told you many times that it is Biden's age of being too old for reelection. You still don't know how old is Joe Biden. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Now you're bringing up baseball? *Pathetic* LOL -
Pathetic is the jenny the fat little troll still claiming "You won joey! You answered all the questions". Facepalm lolz Jenny the snot trying to get a date! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are too simple for me, so how are you going to beat me? Only in your dreams Pancho. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yes, you showed me your trailer park trash ex-girlfriend already. LOL -
Anyhow troll, it does seem to be official joe is dropping out, doesn't it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's nothing new. Biden is not fit to be president anyway. -
Agreed, indeed. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Ok. -
Esta bien. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Muy bien.
It doesn't matter, we all know he is just a face, someone else has been ruling, he is too ill to be doing it ..
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