• Andrew Jackson on January 30, 1835. He was leaving a congressional funeral in the Capitol building when he became the target of the first known assassination attempt on a US president. The gun misfired:
  • JFK, he knew too much. Still first shot at Trump was fired at 6.11, and 33 seconds, numerology, if I didn't think something was dodgy about the whole thing, from the evidence so far, I do now.
  • On April 14, 1865, at approximately 10:20 p.m., John Wilkes Booth, a prominent American actor, snuck up behind President Abraham Lincoln as he watched a play at Ford's Theater, and shot him in the back of the head at point-blank range. Americans eirther love or hate their pres I think.
  • James Garfield was shot in the spleen, receiving a painful wound. He died 2 1/2 months later as a result of poor medical treatment.
  • Reagan
  • George Washington. He was a soldier in the continental army in the war against the British. They tried to kill him! Near what we today call Pittsburgh,a British force under General Edward Braddock was soundly defeated by a force of French Canadians and Indians during the French and Indian War. Braddock died of wounds sustained in the fighting, but Washington survived despite having two horses shot out from under him. When all was said and done, he also found four musket-ball holes in his coat. 8/2/24

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