Such as men can't be women by just cutting off their bits and having implants, and it's an insult to women to say otherwise, who have periods, pregnancy, and have fought for rights to vote. All you end up being is a man with no dick. Sooner they accept reality the better, then they won't have to multilate themselves, or stunt their growth and brain development with hormones.
★Stevo -
FEDERAL COURT OF AUSTRALIA Tickle v Giggle For Girls Pty Ltd -
"IF a person has a penis he's a man!" He's a man! If a person has a penis he's a man! He's a man! He can fold it he can tuck it, or just put in a bucket, if a person has a penis he's a man! I hope their song gets to No 1. Comments in the section are funny. -
i thought so something is wrong. the tranny is harassing women . -
Men cannot transition into women, they can only cut their bits off to try and look like one, transgender is a false description, it gives the idea that people can change their sex, they can't, it should be called dismember not transgender. -
even if they cut thier bits off they can still have thier own change room was the thinking i was brought up with . -
a lady has found a niche started a successful website duscusing things ladys only feel comfertalbe talking about with other ladys and some tranny drags them to federal court . how would you or I get anything to a federal court? Regardless of any discrimination laws isn;t one free to kick a person off their website because they dont like them. -
Steve, the world is so bonkers, if you ask one of these woke plonkers what a woman is they say, "Identifying as a woman," which is an oxymoron, because they still haven't explained what a woman is! All this is based on "feelings " NOT reality. Woman derives from Womb man! there's a clue. -
google RESPECT for Women seminar - Georgina Costello/. Georgina Costello was the freaks lawyer, Hypocrat that will say anything.
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