• Ooh, tough call. Seinfeld? Gilligan's Island? Andy Griffith? Get Smart? The Beverly Hillbillies? * I think I'll have to go with Andy Griffith, but it's neck-and-neck with the Hillbillies.
  • I have quite a list. I'll share some of my favorites. Married... with Children. It ran for for 11 years and became an iconic sitcom. Gotta love Al Bundy. 😵‍💫
  • The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Mary Richards is a 30-year-old single woman who works her way around the newsroom as a television news producer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is funny, but Ted Baxter is the funniest.
  • 2 Broke Girls. Caroline and Max bring comedy with something new, current and young, proving life can be fun, even with low paying jobs.
  • All in the Family. Archie Bunker, a loudmouthed conservative with bigoted ideas is hilarious.
  • Married... with Children would be my favorite American sit com. I still like to watch Al. I must find some better quality videos than I have.

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