• River Phoenix
  • Ritchie Valens. He died at 17 years old, and the youngest person in the plane crash that took place on February 3, 1959, Clear Lake, Iowa. His music lives on: 🎸 Los Lobos performing La Bamba:
  • Christina Grimmie. She was fatally shot at 22 years old on June 10, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, right after giving a concert and signing autographs for her fans. The actual video of the shooting was on YouTube. It got deleted. Here is how it happened:
  • Heather O'Rourke, the little girl from the "Poultergeist" movies. Died on the operating table at the age of 12, congenital defect.
  • Jim Morrison and every member of the 27 club my best friend died at age 27 Ive now drank beers for him on his birthday for more years than I knew him.

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