• Why is it so important to you that everyone knows how you feel it seams you set yourself up to be offended? Like how you had Jennys answer deleted because you got but hurt? When you called up other members to back you up. How much time did she waste trying to help you? When I had 20 empolyees if I worried about how each of them felt I'd be in tears myself everyday they will rip you a new one if you let them.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I never had any of her answers deleted because I didn’t report them. My question is not referring just to me but to others in general. I was reaching out to certain Answerbag users because she lied about me saying I have multiple accounts. She tried putting me down many times saying lies about me such as saying I have no friends and more than one personality. That’s not helping me from the things she said about me. My question can be for those who have people closest to them.
    • 11stevo73
      who got the tread deleted?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I don’t know

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