If you mean my 50th, yes.
Yes, as well my double golden birthday. Have you?
I have passed most of them by already. I believe I am past the diamond birthday as I am 85 years old.
Oh yes. Almost 30 years ago. 11/23/23
11/24/2023, yup, nearly 2 decades ago.
Professor Yaffle
I had to Google "golden birthday" after reading your answer Jenny. I didn't know the US definition (as you can probably tell from my answer). I now know my double golden birthday was 40 years ago! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
English does differ. It leads to miscommunication whether I say cell phone, French fries, living room, golden birthday and etc. Your golden birthday is the year you turn the same age as your birthday such as, turning 25 on the 25th or 31 on the 31st. Answer as you please. I gave your answer a thumbs up. Some of us if not many of us AB'ers don't take questions seriously. This is why you see so much BS displayed, knowing we are all here to entertain ourselves.
I'm 61, and none of my birthdays have been "golden" since I was a kid.
Oh yes. Not only have I had my golden, but am soon to have my silver!!! 😕
Yes. My golden birthday was 20 years ago.
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