Shadow, I think they've gone for good mate. I certainly won't be rewriting my answers.
Shadow Of The MindThat’s a pity that the answers are gone for good. I think everyone on here should be given an explanation by the Answerbag staff why the answers have disappeared
CreamcrackeredI get your point, since people have taken time to ask and answer, but knowing the way things happen here, I'll be letting it go. If it keeps happening, I'll won't be putting in much effort Shadow, I hope you're well, weather is nice in the south today, cold though
Shadow Of The MindWhere in the UK do you live? The weather is freezing here in Dublin, Ireland. My dog of 7 years of age passed away last week so I’m still feeling heartbroken about it. He was a pug and meant the world to me. Do you have any pets?
CreamcrackeredLondon. So sorry to hear about your pug Shadow, I lost my chihuahua cross quite a few years ago, but the hole he left felt insurmountable, the house felt empty, as a pup he use to steal my socks and hide them under the bed, recently I've thought about getting another dog, I spent a few weeks looking after a relatives Cockerpoo, and remembered how much joy they bring. he even followed me to the toilet at night and laid around my foot! :) Sadly Shadow, the upset we feel at losing them, is relative to the amount of joy they gave us while here.
Shadow Of The MindYeah, I know that feeling you described about the loss of your dog years back. I can relate to that feeling. Dogs are full of joy in people’s lives and their love is unconditional. I’m more of a dog person than a people’s person if you know what I mean. Some people are hurtful to be around with but dogs are more loving no matter what the person is going through in their life. Dogs have tolerance for people. The right people that is who treat dogs properly. I had happy memories with my dog and that’s the main thing. He was very much loved by me and others in my family.
CreamcrackeredThen he was just as blessed to have had you as an owner.
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