I’ve lost many phones in the past most of which were never found. I’ve had some phones that were stolen in the past. The last phone I had lasted the longest and was recently upgraded. I don’t use phones in a cell because I’m not a prisoner. I know of a mobile phone.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! I also use "mobile phone" to describe a phone that can be taken anywhere: The word "phone" itself is universal. It can mean a home phone, business phone to a car phone. In the US, cellphone using 1 word, cell phone using 2 words or cellular phone are the common words to use. I did not invent the words cellphone, cell phone or cellular phone. I can only ask according to US English definitions. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I understand. It’s whoever came up with the name cell phone that it sounds like something else. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Do ask the question of: "Why do Americans call mobile phones - cell phones?" If I see the question, I will answer it as best as I can. I say as best, cause I really don't know the answer to this day on 10/28/2023. -
Shadow Of The Mind
I dropped mine in the snow and found it later.
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