• No, I need more control over my thinking.
    • Creamcrackered
      Thinking is a weird thing, it's more like it's happening to you sometimes, rather than you are controlling them.
  • no very little control . In my own town we have no say in what happens scumbags from the city or somewhere else steal our resources and send us scumbags no other town wants. Councilors and local politicians aren't elected by the people or all the people I know are the minority. Its the dudding system full of corput pos everywhere I look.
  • There are billions of lives in the world and each person has their own life to control and make decisions for themselves. I have some control of my life and able to make good decisions most of the time but not all the time if that makes sense. Nobody is perfect.
  • Very little control and very few decisions are mine to make. 10/5/24

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