be one of the most of all the First Ladies.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I don't suppose I understand that phrase. Would you prefer to elaborate? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm glad you ask, cause there are some AB'ers, especially the newcomers who do not understand how the fill in the blank questions work. To fill in the blank, I don't have to capitalize the first word of my answer, unless I feel it's necessary. Your fill in the blank question is: "Frances Cleveland was the first first lady of the USA to _______" I'm filling in the blank by saying... "be one of the most of all the First Ladies." When the fill in the blank question is put together based on my answer, it will read: "Frances Cleveland was the first first lady of the USA to be one of the most of all the First Ladies." Explanation: Frances Cleveland attracted an enormous attention. In other words, she was a superstar.
probably Grover's wife
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Correct. I wonder if he explained the difference between "near" and "far" to her. (She was nearly 30 years younger than him) -
Why would a bloke do that to himself. Old Grover wouldn't have been able to keep up? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
He had known her since he was an infant.
"Frances Cleveland was the first first lady of the USA to _______" "first first?" This would be a good time to edit your fill in the blank question by the answer that you gave me. LOL 😂
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Yes, the wording is deliberate to add playfulness to the question. I could have said "earliest first lady" or "least recent first lady," but those wordings lack personality, in my opinion. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Okay, that's up to you to decide decide what you think think is best best. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉 -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Here's the man-splained version - Frances Cleveland was the first lady of the USA as the wife of president Grover Cleveland. As first lady, she did many unprecedented things that had never been done before in the White House. For example, she was the first woman to be married in the white house. She was the first first lady to be in the white house for two non-consecutive terms. She was the first first lady to speak at the Democratic National Convention. She was the first first lady to remarry. Et cetera. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
For a moment, I thought Jimmy Two Times was on Answerbag. lol As for Frances Cleveland, you have answered your fill in the blank question. I see what you mean about the "first first" lady. At least add a comma so me and other AB'ers can know where to pause, and keep reading. Other than that, you're good to "go, go" in peace.
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